Saturday, December 29, 2012
Upper Body
Worked out with the girlfriends older brother today, he was doing a chest and bicep day so I decided to join, realizing I worked my chest the last two days in a row, no harm in again being I'm not working out again till Tuesday.
Bench Press
Incline DB Bench Press - 65sx10, 7, 7
Cable Fly - 50x10, 60x10, 70x10
Alternating DB curl - 45sx5, 50sx5, 47sx5
Leg Raised Crunch - 3x15
I'm surprised I got 10 reps at 185, everything else was pretty standard, now to recover for the next few days.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Full Body
Workout with the girlfriend today, mainly random stuff.
DB Bench Press
Power Snatch (touch and go)
DB Single Arm Clean and Jerk
3 rounds of max effort Burpees, 30 seconds each
I had less go today because of the workout yesterday, but as I got moving I actually felt a lot better, I failed the left arm clean and jerk one but that was more due to lack of concentration, for the burpees none were counted just moved fast, it got my heart rate up for sure.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Full Body
Despite my less ten stellar performance on the deadlifts on Monday, my lower back was oddly sore, even weirder because one rep maxes almost never make me sore. I started with box squats but maybe help back a bit due to lower back soreness and stiffness, but just a bit.
Alternate Sets
Box Squats
Handstand Pushups - 4x12
3 Rounds, each for time of
10 Chinups
20 Pushups
Rest one minute between rounds
38 seconds, 1:38, 2:01
Weighted Situps
I haven't done handstand pushups in ages, I was pleased to do 4 sets of 12 normally they fatigue faster for me, although there was decent amount of rest between being they were paired with back squats. The second part hurt more then I thought, hense the massive drop in times, first round was unbroken but after that it went downhill. I didn't realize how sore my lats were till I started the first chinup, and it only got worse, typing now I need to keep my arms close to my body my lats are so stiff. The weighted situps went well too, 65 actually didn't feel too bad I probably could have done 70.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Full Body
I've decided this new job just isn't working out, it leaves me tired so much, worse so on my off days, my workouts are affected, I've lost weight because I can't eat properly and I end up dreading going in to begin with. My contract ends on January 3rd, so if they ask me to renew I'll decline. On to the workout, which was worse at the beginning.
Sumo Deadlifts (all resetting)
Push Jerk
Pullups - 12, 10, 8
While 405 isn't anything to hate on, it's far from my pr, and there no chance I was lifting heavier then that today it was a very slow lift. The push jerks on the other hand I did match my pr, and when I hit that pr I was in a strength phase, so that lift wasn't effected just the slow raw lift. I'll do my best to get workouts in till this job phase ends, and eat as much as my stomach allows while it adjusts to this weird schedule, hopefully it turns around then.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Full Body
Decided to do a hard one today, and it certainly was in the end.
5 Rounds for time
5 Bulgarian Split Squat - 135 (5 per leg....obviously)
10 DB Bench Press - 65s
Time: 15:04
Complex (3 Deadlifts +3 Power Cleans)
Leg Elevated Crunches - 20, 15, 15
Don't let that first routine decieve you, those bulgarian split squats, if done at the right weight were very challenging. Being I also did this workout yesterday I can say it has made my glutes super sore, the bench presses were broken after round 1 but I paced myself with those. The complex I got from crossfitfootball. I had less drive from my legs but I was happy to 175, I know I could do more if fresh. Good workout!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Upper Body
Ah it felt good to be back in the gym, this last rotation at work had me switching from days to nights and it was brutal, I was so exhausted when I was to work three 12 hour shifts in a row, all starting at midnight. But I guess that's life. I was very tired this morning because my other job schedule a 7am meeting, I think my bed misses me. Anywho something to break me back in a bit.
Alternate Sets
Incline DB Bench Press - 65sx10, 70sx10, 75sx10
Chest Supported Row - 130x10, 150x10, 170x10
Cable Flies - 60x10, 70x10, 80x10
Neutral Grip Pullups - 10, 9, 8
Pushdowns - 120x10, 140x10, 150x8
DB Curls - 30sx10, 35sx10, 37sx6
I was very spent after this but it wasn't the workout it was the lack of sleep the past week. I'm not good at sleeping during the day so my three 12 hour rotation was very difficult as I was on little sleep all through, felt like I was getting sick, good thing that doesn't come up again.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Upper Body
My legs are so sore I can hardly walk, today was a quick upper body stuff with the gf.
50 pullups
100 pullups
The sad part is I start this stupid rotation at work and working out won't be easy for a few days, I may have to try some stuff at work. Hoping all those stairs tomorrow isn't too painful with my legs.
Light day
My legs are so sore from that workout, 25 squats at 225 when you're against the clock is bound to hurt, but holy shit. Today was a lighter day, some abs and arms.
3 Rounds, not timed just move fast
10 Ab Rollouts
12 Leg Elevated Crunches
15 Plate Twists - 35 (15 per side)
Cable Fly Curl Drop set
50x10, 8, 7
30x10, 6, 6
Cable Pushdown Drop Set
120x10, 10, 8
90x10, 7, 6
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Full Body
Two full body timed portions today, one being on the heavy side, the other being pure bodyweight.
5 Rounds for time
5 Back Squats - 225
5 Rack Bench Press - 225
Time: 10:49
5 Rounds for time
10 Kipping Pullups
10 Plate Pushups
Time: 6:44
That was fun. All the squats were unbroken but I rested a decent amount between rounds to ensure that, because of that the bench press actually felt harder. The second part was also fun, quicker than I though, after the first round most were broken in 10-6, minus the pullups on the last round. Good feeling at end of workout, I was actually in the gym for a while as heavy metcons seem to take a while to warm up too. I finally took out the camera again, video of most of each workout can be seen here;
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Decided to go heavy again today, 1 rep max heavy, something I hardly do anymore so I expect my numbers to be down.
Split Jerk
Trap Bar Deadlift (resetting)
I am surprised I was able to do 235 split jerk again, very surprised. I know 255 is my max but that was in the peak of a strength only phase. 235 was a tad wobbly, and I didn't drop it either I lowered it to my shoulders, but I am very happy with that lift. The trap bar deadlifts I wanted to get up to weight quickly and do a few sets at 400, it seemed to work well. One thing I should also mention is the deadlifts were strapless, I'm surprised how easy it was to hold onto the bar without using straps.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Full Body
Kind of sore today, but felt like working out again.
Plate Russian Twist
25x15 (per side)
Straight Leg Raises - 3x15
Jumping Bar Muscle Ups - 3x3
Legs Elevated Situps - 3x12
Crossfit Kettlebell Swings - 24 kg x 20, 18, 16
Because I suck at muscle ups, more so bar muscle ups, I did jumping style, I'll work up to regular muscle ups soon. Overall good workout!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Full Body
Simply exhausted, but wanted a quick workout done. Early morning after late night I knew it wasn't going to be any records, but wanted two quick conditioning before a client came in.
5 Rounds for time
5 Hang Power Snatched - 95
15 Pushups
20 Power Clean and Jerk - 135
The first one wasn't too bad, pushups broken but snatches never were, the second part was slowwww. Even though I wasn't fresh I could perform grace faster than that (same weight with 30 reps), oh well I knew it going in. Felt good to get a good workout in.
**That evening I did another upper body workout, a few sets of incline bench, pushups, pullups and push jerks, typing now my upper back is pretty sore.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Full Body
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Talk about hitting full extension (bonus if you know what I mean by that) |
So this week I started a new job, one that may leave my other security job a goner, but either way it started me out at full time and on nights, midnight to noon was one long ass day, it was hard to adjust to it being I found out the day of. So my workouts took a back seat, but back at it today. It felt awesome I because I'll be busier going back to my slightly older style program makes more sense to me. I tackled an old one, and I had one goal in mind, shatter my old time, not beat it by a bit, but kill it. I changed the variables in my benefit, last time the deadlift bar was iron plates (no dropping) and smaller than usual, today was bumper and regular size. All the rest was the same, my old time being 21:20
10 Rounds for time
15 Deadlifts - 135
15 Pushups
Time: 15:23
Neutral Grip Pullups - 10, 8, 7
Dips - 12, 11, 9
Holy shit did I kill it, almost exactyly 6 minutes faster, funny too because last time I did this I wrote that the pushups weren't broken, today they were around the middle rounds, I guess the deadlifts were a lot harder last time and that forced longer time between the pushups. It hurt a lot, but not where I expected. The grip, the hamstrings, the upper back, the triceps and chest all hurt, but at 4 round I think my quads cramped something fierce and didn't fully release till....well half way through the pullups and dips. I know you use your quads on deads but they are far from the dominant movement. This new job has me going up I think a million sets of stairs every shift, so perhaps my quads were just drained. Either way, I'm stoked about the time, and the feeling as adjusting to nights at the last minute didn't work and I have barely slept all week. The pullups and dips were to add something more. Good feeling!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Core and Mobility
High rep ab day
Not for time but move fast
50 Situps
40 Straight Leg Raises
30 Russian Twists with 35 lb plate (30 per side)
20 Decline Situps
10 Toe to Bars
Swiss Ball Crunches - 4x25
Then 15 ish minutes of mobility work.
That's a video of the russian twist with the plate, it was a good exercise. The leg raises were the hardest one but each burned, the toe to bars were only broken into two sets (6-4) but I still hate that exercise. I've thinking about changing my program again, but we'll see.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Upper Body
Today didn't follow in my usual workout plan, I worked out with a friend who wanted to get into some weight training, so I did the same workout she did which was a simple upper body weight program. No point in listing what I did.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Legs, and heavy deadlifts.
Sumo Deadlifts (all sets resetting)
Back Squats (high bar, just below parallel)
then 3x10 at 185
Alternate Sets
Leg Extension - 155x10, 170x10, 185x10
Hamstring Curl - 80x10, 90x10, 100x8
425 was flipping heavy, but very happy with the lift, it's not my pr (445) on sumo's but I was on a strength program then, I'm not now and very happy I am able to maintain a decent level of strength and be able to deadlift over 400 pounds whenever I want. The first set at 185 on the back squats actually felt harder then the rest, but it felt good, I'm really liking the high bar just below parallel back squats. Good feeling leg day.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Upper Body
Bench Press
185x7, 7, 7, 6
Incline DB Flies
Cable Bench Press
Alt. DB Curls - 40sx5, 45sx5, 50sx5
No supersets, just straight sets with some heavy ish stuff, nice workout.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Core and mobility
My abs were actually a little sore still, minor, but I could still feel them.
3 Rounds for time
10 Weighted Situps - 40
10 RC Ball Toss Twist (per side) - 12 lb med ball
10 Straight Leg Raises
Time: 7:35
Swiss Ball Side Crunches - 3x15 per side
2 sets of cable crunches, remember I hate that exercise but I never feel it so stopped.
15 minutes of mobility work.
That was a good ab burner for time, leg raises were probably the hardest in the end.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Upper Body
Legs pretty sore, but very good sore.
Weighted Neutral Grip Pullups
Tension DB Rows - 3x8.....25s
Underhand Pulldowns
Overhead Tricep Extension Drop set
90 to 60
Good workout today, the second exercise is new, you lean over a bench and hold the peak contraction as you do one arm at a time, burned the upper back pretty good.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
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Awesome |
Skater Squats - 4x5 (used blue band)
HB Back Squats (just below parallel)
DB Romanian Deadlifts
Skater squats are a new exercise, they were definately challenging but I want to get better at pistol squats and this is a good stepping stone. Here is what they look like,
The athlete in this video is doing them with a lot of added weight and to a deficit, I had to use a band to help. But they were difficult especially as I got closer to the bottom. Still sticking with the back squats to just below parallel they were challenging by the end, good leg workout.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Upper Body
Great upper body day. Will go well with my sore abs.
Decline Bench Press
225x6 (a??)
Cable Flie - 60x10, 70x10, 80x8
Cable Bench Press - 60x10, 70x10, 80x5
Plate Pushups (hands on 45 lb bumper plates) - 15, 13, 12
Cable Fly Curls Drop set
50x10, 8, 6
30x6, 6, 6
I have no clue if the person helped me on that 6th rep of the bench press, it seemed like he did but he said he didn't, so I put question marks. This workout really burned my arms could barely shift and turn on the turning signal for the drive home.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Core and Mobility
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Impressive |
RC Ball Toss Twist - 3x12 per side (6 lb med ball, then 12 for last two)
Ab Rollout - 3x10
Med Ball Overhead Decline Situps - 3x10.....20 lb med ball
50 Crunches
Then 15 minutes of mobility. This was a harder than it looks ab workout, other then the crunches it was lower reps, ab rollouts are a bitch of an exercise.
Upper Body
Flexin time |
Cable Row
Pullups - 5, 5, 5
Kipping Pullups - 7, 6, 5
R-Band Pull Aparts - 3x12 with black band
Overheard rope extensions - 80x12, 90x12, 100x8
Despite the small number the superset actually hurt, you stay on the bar the entire time, the 5 strict pullups were a set number the second set was more when I went for whatever, maybe could have gotten another rep or two but it was a good burn.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Legs and power
Power Snatch (touch and go)
High Bar Back Squats (just below parallel)
work sets
Bulgarian Split Squats x50 (per side)
The snatches felt good today, the sets at 135 were solid with good form. The back squats were done a little different this time, I kept the high bar position that I use where I'd normally go hamstring to calf, today I just went below parallel if I were doing low bar. It felt like a strong position I liked it, 228 for 8 was close. I know I was dropping well below parallel but wanted to be safe.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Today I decided to do my measurements again. Something I haven't done in two years, so this was going to be interesting. I've come a long ass way from the 135 pounds weak as shit couldn't do a single dip I used to be when I started working out. I'm proud of where I have come, but still feel I got some work to do. Being I have been at this for so many years progress is much slower, I gain wait as fast as a snail crawls across your window. Luckily in two years there is a difference, below I'll post my current measurements and weight and in brackets post what I was at the end of 2010.
Weight - 190 (177)
Shoulders - 52 (49)
Chest - 43 (42)
Stomach - 34.25 (32)
Right Arm - 15 (14)
Left Arm - 14.5 (13.75)
Right Leg - 24.5 (22.5)
Left Leg - 24.5 (22.5)
So 13 pounds ahead, I'm pretty pleased with that, it seems to take my a long ass time to put weight on my lanky frame. It usually seems to go no where and then all of a sudden I gain 5 pounds, it's random, but 190 is of course the most I have ever weighed, closing in on that 200 pound goal. Based on the training I did this past little bit, and the fact that I had an elbow injury that prevented almost all chest work for I believe up to 6 months, I shouldn't be too surprised it only went up one inch. Having said that my chest has always been a week point, my barbell bench simply sucks. On the plus side, when I wasn't working my chest, I was doing loads of olympic lifting and deadlifts and squats, so my legs took a beating, and rightfully so they went up 2 inches each, that even surprised me I was very pleased. I was also happy with the 3 inch add to my shoulders, olympic lifting also helped there, 255 overhead would help but that's also due to a lot of back work. My arms went up an inch (almost on the one side) which sounds about right, stomach up too but being my midsection looks exactly the same I think it was more my lower back muscles. Happy with results, even though it's been a while.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Upper Body
DB Bench Press
Bench Press (1 1/2 reps) - 135x8, 6, 6
Cable Flies
Cable Fly Curls - 30x10, 40x10, 50x10
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Core and Mobility
Legs still nice and sore. Time for my weakness day.
Weighted Situps - 40x10, 50x10, 10
Russian Chair Leg Raises (straight leg) - 10, 7, 7
Roman Chair Situps - 3x25
Twist with DB on Exercise Ball - 15, 20 20 (max reps)
Then about 20 minutes of mobility again. That first pairing really hurt the abs, normally I could bang out almost 20 o the leg raises but not with how this was set up, it was good though I dislike working my abs a little less now, and that simply means I don't hate it now...just a general grudge.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Upper Body
Legs very sore today, quads and glutes mostly.
R-Band Neutral Grip Pullups
Just body weight - 10 reps
Purple - 5
Green - 4, 4, 4
Pause Technique - Chest Supported Row
Reverse Flies - 25sx10, 32sx8, 8
I forgot about r-band pullups, man those make it a lot harder, and I used the same rest technique on the chest supported row, using 12 second again.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I wasn't feeling up to a workout today, my mind was elsewhere, Sundays I workout with my dad and mere minutes before he walked out the door I changed my mind, thinking I know I'd regret it if I didn't.
Box Back Squats
Reverse Lunges - 3x8.......135
100 Travelling lunges
That may look short but it really burned. I was also kind of stiff going in again so I needed good time to warmup, I felt the stiffness in my back when I did the squat but only then. The reverse lunges hurt pretty good, and the travelling lunges weren't unbroken this time, it was two sets of 50 with the second one being in great slow motion.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Upper Body
My core is nice and sore today, I love the feeling being I never do it so I'm not used to being sore.
Smith Machine Bench Press
Pause Technique
Hammer Strength Bench Press
Incline DB Flies
Preacher Curl with hold - 3x10...60
The pause technique works like this, do a set close to failure, in this case 8 reps per set (it was pretty much failure by the third set), you then rest 12 seconds and complete a few more. It's a good strength and hypertrophy technique, essentially I was doing 12 reps per set (10 on the last one) with a weight where no way I could get 12, so a form of an extended set. I had no spot on the smith machine bench press odds are I could have gotten a third rep on that 5th set.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Core and Mobility
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Camille Leblanc-Bazinet |
These are two things I never do, but it's not because I don't enjoy it I just don't make the time for it, so giving them there own day was the best option to hit two weaknesses. Well my mobility isn't bad, and my core strength is really good from all the deadlifts and front squats I do, but high rep stuff I can't do to save my life.
Cable Woodchop
70x10 (per side)
50 Roman Chair Situps (broken into 25-15-10)
Swiss Ball JackKnifes - 13, 12, 12
25 Situps (unbroken)
25 Crunches (15-10)
Then about 20 to 25 minutes of static stretching, it felt good and I didn't mind it at all. That's probably more ab work that I did today than I have in an entire month. Luckily my back typically never feels ab work, but sometimes my hip flexors do but usually I can work around that. Also because of my cyst I am slightly limited in the exercises i can do.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Upper Body
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There are several things I don't like about crossit, this isn't one of them |
Legs sore, not as sore as I was predicting, but still sore.
Chest Supported Row
Wide-Grip Pullups - 12, 9, 8
Machine Reverse Flies
Pushdowns drop sets - 100-70....10,10......110-80.....10,7....10-7
With these two upper body days, because both work the biceps and triceps I leave the gym looking bigger from the pump, feels good.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Apparently exercise is a good ailment to not feeling well. I had an annoying stomach ache going into the workout, and of course today was legs which hurt enough on there own. Oddly it went away pretty quick, not during the warmup but during when I started adding weights. This was also a very different kind of leg workout.
Single Leg Deadlift (touch and go)
R-Band Pistol Squats - 4x5 (changed grip on band to make it harder as sets went on)
100 Squats (broken into 30-30-25-15)
Alternate Sets
Leg Extension - 140x12, 155x12, 12
Hamstring Curl - 70x12, 80x12, 12
My legs were very swollen after this, the last two parts were especially responsible for this. I didn't go heavy on conventional deadlifts, back squats, front squats, or anything like that. I went heavy on two single leg movements (pistols are only heavy because I suck balls at those) and then jacked the reps up and got the blood flowing. It hurt and I'd be surprised if I wasn't sore tomorrow, only time will tell.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Upper Body
Haven't worked out since thursday, I guess when my university friends have a week off I get booked up quick. I don't like missing workouts, but two of these meetings were dates and if I cancel a date to workout then something is wrong. I am also slightly changing my program, very slightly.
Incline DB Bench Press
DB Floor Flies - 3x8.....35s
Dips - 20, 15, 12
Drop Set Cable Curls - 80 to 50......10-10, 8-6, 7-6
So the only difference is I ended it with biceps oppose to triceps, next will be legs and then the following day will be back paired with triceps. The benefit of this is on both upper body days the arm receives both pushing and pulling exercises, it won't affect the big muscle groups compared to my last one but will hit my arms more as they get primary movements one day and secondary movements the other instead of both on the same day. Who doesn't want bigger arms. It does change the order a bit, and I am going to try and through an extra day in, abs and mobility, two things I neglect like the plague. See how it goes.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Deficit Deadlifts (touch and go)
Lunges - 3x8 per leg....135 (no racks so from floor)
Squat Cleans
I am pleased with this workout. Deficit deadlifts aren't easy it's difficult to keep a straight back but 315 was close but happy I was able to do it for 6 reps. Squat cleans burned like crazy after the lunges, 155 for 6 was close to failure.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Upper Pull
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Upper Push
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Legs and power
Leg and power day, starting with both full oly exercises.
Power Snatch (resetting)
Clean and Jerk
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time
Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squats - 95
Left Leg Bulgarian Split Squats - 95
Time: 11:35
Lets start with the first two, I felt good on the power snatches today, got good explosion and power and while 145 is the most I have ever power snatched before, I don't think it's my one rep max if I can do two sets of 3 with it. I took short rests and reset each time, sometimes over 10 seconds. The clean and jerks were all squat cleans and split jerks, focussing on max speed at the beginning and deciding to get a little heavy. Based on how heavy 215 felt I know my 1RM is no longer 245, but being I barely go for that on those lifts anymore it's no surprise, if I decide one day to work on that again I know it'll come back quick it usually does. The last thing, holy fuck did that hurt a rediculous amount. I actually did that a long time ago and today was exactly 2 minutes faster, and last time I only did some lunges before it today I did several sets of snatches and squat clean and jerks. I did the sets of 10 and 9 before I even set the bar down, I only did multiple sets again when I got to the sets of 3 where I finished it off. That hurt so bad I thought my legs were going to give out, my lungs were screaming and after I racked the weight I could barely use my legs. The drive home was agony my right leg was cramping the entire ride home from being in the seated position, but because it was my right I obviously had to keep it bent. It was horribly painful but awesome, happy with greatly improved time.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Upper Pull
Wide grip Pulldowns
Cable Row
Band Pull Aparts - 3x10 with black band
DB Peak Curls - 3x10.....25s
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Upper Push
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Christmas Abbott |
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Decline Bench Press
Cable Flies
French Press - 3x10.....60
I barely do overhead work anymore because it's not really a weakness of mine and it is one of the few exercises that bother my elbow still. Having said that going higher reps felt good, and 55s for 10 wasn't all that bad actually, which is good means despite neglecting it it's still not a real weakness of mine. Good workout!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Complex (1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat)
Box Squats
100 Travelling Lunges
I did that complex a long time ago and was able to match it today, I felt good power in the cleans, this is mostly about the squat clean as I most likely won't fail the front squat portion. I haven't done box squats in a while, I really focussed on using my quads and glutes to drive the weight up. I was also surprised to do the lunges unbroken, although it turned into slow motion big time.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Upper Pull
TRX Pullups (chest to straps) - 10, 8, 7, 6, 6
Chest Supported Row
Bent Over Reverse Flies - 25sx10, 30sx10, 10
Straight Bar Curls - 3x8.....75
TRX Pullups are a new exercise, they were kind of a mix between neutral and chinups and I lifted all the way up till the straps touched my chest, so kind of a C2B style.
Upper Push
My legs are painfully sore. Thursday was my leg day, which was tough in it's own right, but then yesterday I went on a hike that ended up being 3.5 hours long, most likely covering over 10km. So today they are simply useless, very sore and stiff especially my hamtrings. Oh well on to a upper push day.
Rack Bench Press
Incline DB Bench Press - 60sx10, 65sx10, 70sx10
Dips - 12, 9, 8
TRX Flies - 8, 8, 9
TRX Tricep Extensions - 3x10
I haven't done rack bench press in a while, 275 for a triple is the most I have ever done, but that was only once and I did try on occasions after that to match but couldn't. So I am pleased I was able to match my pr on a lift that I haven't done in several months, maybe even a year as it was around this time I think that my elbow got injured, maybe even over a year now, and I haven't been doing as much heavy chest work until the last few months. I took a video of the last 4 sets on that exercise and the trx flies, I mainly wanted to check my depth on there and see how my form looks. I go deeper than I thought but maybe bend my elbows too much. Here is a video of how they should look;
And here is my video (this is set number 2);
So not too bad actually. I have no clue why I did 9 on the last set, must have felt inspired
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Pure leg day.
Bulgarian Split Squats
HB Back Squats
Romanian Deadlifts - 3x10......185
100 Squats
I think I should do BSS more often, they hurt a lot but are very effective and do require less time to warm up for. I did re-rack the bar between legs on the last set only, just to ensure I got 6 reps each time, I did lose my balance a couple times but the last set was close. To memory my 10 rep max is 205 on HBBS, and it was heavy for that. The RDL's burned and the last one was broken into 4 sets of 25, tough but good leg day.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Upper Pull
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Upper Push
Incline DB Bench Press
Floor Flies - 3x8.....35s
Pushups - 15, 10, 10
Smith Bench Press - 120x15, 12, 12
Overhead Rope Extensions - 80x10, 90x10, 100x10
Floor flies are tougher than regular for some reason, they really burned and made the pushups wayyy harder. Also after my massive meal yesterday I stepped on the scale and weighed 5 pounds more, I wonder if that'll stick, if it does I'm slowly closing in on 200 pounds.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
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How the movie should have gone |
Visited a complex I did a while back.
Complex (1 Power Clean + 5 Front Squats)
That's it, quick but effective. I've done 2 versions of that complex, the one today and one that is the same but only 3 front squats. On the shorter one I have done 225, on the one today the most I did was 205, so this is an improvement.....awesome. The deadlifts was more to see if I could get over 400 pounds while not being fresh, and I did....again awesome. Good feeling workout before I stuff my face tomorrow.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Upper Pull
Back at it, spent almost all of last week in a boring add training thing for a third job, also partly thought a lighter week wouldn't hurt either.
DB Single Arm Row (rack supported)
Neutral Grip Pulldowns - 3x15.....100
Kipping Chinups - 12, 10, 9
Underhand Chest Supported Row - 3x12.....120
Higher reps other than the first one, and used more grips that would activate my biceps more, feels good to workout again.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Upper Push
Incline Bench Press
work sets
DB Bench Press
Dips - 16, 12, 12
DB Neutral Floor Presses - 50sx12, 10, 10
A bit higher reps other than the first one, triceps took a beating.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Legs and power
Split Snatch
Work sets
165x1 (pressout)
R-Band Back Squats - Blue bands
100 Travelling Lunges
Grr, snatches for me still suck, although I shouldn't really complain I don't do them all that much. The 155 felt good, so instead of trying to match my pr I'd go for 165, 5 pounds over it. The first try was completed by range of motion and crossfit standards, but a fail in olympic standards, the second try was a complete fail. The r-band back squats were cool, more just wanted to try them out, there was one blue band on each side, the one end anchored to the ground by a heavy dumbbell. The stability wasn't really hard, the tension almost entirely releases at the bottom but adds quite a bit as I stand up, 185 was the only real challenging set, I'm not sure how much weight it adds but it's still a nice change. 100 travelling lunges just burned.
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