Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Full Body

Despite my less ten stellar performance on the deadlifts on Monday, my lower back was oddly sore, even weirder because one rep maxes almost never make me sore.  I started with box squats but maybe help back a bit due to lower back soreness and stiffness, but just a bit.

Alternate Sets
Box Squats

Handstand Pushups - 4x12

3 Rounds, each for time of
10 Chinups
20 Pushups
Rest one minute between rounds
38 seconds, 1:38, 2:01

Weighted Situps

I haven't done handstand pushups in ages, I was pleased to do 4 sets of 12 normally they fatigue faster for me, although there was decent amount of rest between being they were paired with back squats.  The second part hurt more then I thought, hense the massive drop in times, first round was unbroken but after that it went downhill.  I didn't realize how sore my lats were till I started the first chinup, and it only got worse, typing now I need to keep my arms close to my body my lats are so stiff.  The weighted situps went well too, 65 actually didn't feel too bad I probably could have done 70.


  1. You didn't do any clean and jerks, so why this picture? Oh, never mind...

  2. That goes with out saying, hell most of the pics I post have nothing to do with the actual workout haha.
