Monday, August 1, 2011


Today I decided to revisit an old routine I did 26 months ago, I didn't do well then, and dont' feel I did well today either.  Over the years I realize my weaknesses a lot more, mainly bodyweight movements, more specifically for the legs and core (which was half of todays workout).  Either way, today went as follows.

For time
100 Kipping Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps (feet anchored)
100 Squats
Time: 24:16

I can reason with it and say I am 10 pounds heavier now, and back then I remember some pullups, pushups, and situps weren't full ROM, today everything was good.  But I should be better at bodyweight routines, it's certainly a weakness of mine.  I have no intention of ever competing in crossfit so I don't really mind that I didn't do well today, but I still felt slow.  Ah well, it happens.  The pullups took the longest, 20 reps from the start, then many sets of 6 and 7.  The pushups got to 25 from the start, then many sets of 10.  Situps were a set of 20, then sets of 10, while the squats started with a set of 40 then went random after that.  I tried to pace myself, and by the end felt like I maybe overpaced myself, and rested longer than necessary.  The good news is no ripped callous after todays workout.


  1. I still have a blister on my right hand from when you made me do this a few weeks ago!

    I obviously have days when I don't perform as well as I hope/expect, too. But take today in context of your overall fitness regimen - one day doesn't define hot fit you are, jut how well you did today. Also, In recent weeks I've felt like I've done well with heavy weighted routines, but not so well with fast metcons etc. I'm sure that has something to do with the heat and humidity, so perhaps that played a part.

    Besides, I can't believe you're complaining you only beat my time by about 5 minutes!

  2. heh well I decided that at least once a week I am going to throw a bodyweight circuit into my training program, I need to hit my weaknesses.

    I sometimes compare my times to yours, but usually it's my own thing, the squats were the easiest one though.
