Saturday, August 6, 2011


I went for a pure conditioning day today, 3 mainly short metcons.  The first one I wanted to see how I stack up against the girls, so I did the WOD from the 2010 games, I am much heavier than them all, but that's just an excuse, I ended up placing 4th.

7 Rounds for time
3 Power Cleans
4 Handstand Pushups
Time: 5:17

The girl in the picture on the left did that routine 3:37, first by a long shot, the cleans were easy but the handstand pushups slowed me down and actually needed to be broken by the last 3 rounds.  I did beat the girl on the right though, this crossfit games current female champ.  It was a good little workout, the quickness of each round makes this a sprint kind of workout.

3 Rounds for time
10 Kipping Pullups
10 Front Squats - 135 (from the ground)
10 Burpees
Time: 11:59

This was harder than I thought, I was very winded throughout.  I knew the front squats would be the hardest part and they were, hamstring to calf though.

3 Sets of 30 second Row intervals
171 metres, 172 metres, 173 metres
rest as needed between rounds

I pulled a Nigel here and got better as the sets went on.  After all this I was spent, and despite getting beat by 3 girls this was a great conditioning workout.  (I did beat the gymnast Camille on it)


  1. "Pulled a Nigel"? I'm a thing, now? :-) The distance I covered got shorter when I did the row intervals, not longer like your attempt (or "pulling a Paul").

  2. hah well the pullups yesterday and push presses the last week, I rest my case lol.

  3. I forgot to ask - how did my rowing distances compare to the CrossFit girls?

  4. sorry I just saw this comment now, that I am not sure as crossfit doesn't really make a point on showcasing there 30 second sprint times. They do show there 500 metre sprint times, which for just a few can be be found here

    Click whichever athlete and look along the right.
