Sunday, October 30, 2011

Full Body

Matt Chan and Tommy Hackenbruck

A real good workout today, cleans and snatches and squats, can't beat that.  I decided to do the routine I had a client do but hadn't yet done myself with power cleans.

Power Cleans (for time)
135x10 - 24 seconds
155x10 - 47 seconds
175x10 - 1:12
185x10 - 2:01
200x10 - 4:59

Back Squats
Relative max reps at 185........12, 10, 10, 10

Power Snatch

Wow what a drop as the weight goes up.  Why I went from 185 to 200 I don`t really know, probably because 200 sounds cooler than 195, and 205 was a bit heavier than I wanted to go, either was it was certainly tough.  175 was 5 sets of 2, 185 was 10 sets of 1 as was 200 I just rested longer between that one.  I actually failed a rep on the last set but more because I mis judged the bar path and hit my knees which slowed it down.  The back squats went very well, I was slightly worried about going from 135 to 185 right away but the first set went great, never gotten 12 reps with 185 before.  It says relative because I was always close to failure, and all reps were hamstring to calf.  The power snatches was more to work on form at heavier weights, which I will still need lots of work on as they are still newer to me.  The last set was 4 reps but I rested longer between each one, I actually attempted 2 after that but failed, that was the sign that I was done my workout.  Overall great workout, tomorrow....busy ass Mondays!


  1. Tried your back squat routine today - but to parallel - and only got about 60% of your reps!

  2. I've been trying to work back squats in more lately as I want that to improve, I don't like high rep front squats (it's also not recommended) so I high (ish) rep back squats were the best choice.....they hurt.
