Saturday, October 8, 2011


Still making use of the new toys, decided to try the technique I used on September 5, but do sets of 5 instead of 10, and do squat cleans as I can make perfect use of the bumper plates.  There is quite the change from set 4 to set 5.

Squat Cleans (for time)
135x5 - 19 seconds
155x5 - 26 seconds
175x5 - 32 seconds
185x5 - 1:08
205x5 - 5:11

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5........170, 230, 260, 280, 300

Holy shit what a drop, the set at 185 was tough and I knew I was going to do another one, because going over 200 is cool I decided to go for it.  The first rep was good, dropped the bar, walked to the pole and came back for rep number 2, same deal, the clean felt good and the squat was stable.  Rep number 3 was a different story, first attempt I caught the weight too far forwards and ended up dumping it in front, I had to reset rest a short rest and try again, my second attempt I over corrected and caught the weight too far back and started to fall backwards, I quickly pushed the weight in front as I fell on my ass (thank god for bumper plates as this would have been bad with iron).  The third attempt was successful, as were the first tries for rep 4 and 5, but the 2 failed reps account for what a difference in time, felt amazing though.  I should note that prior to today the most I have ever squat cleaned was 200 which there is a video of, so a pr there too.  The trap bar deadlifts I really liked, I normally do touch and go but this time stuck with resetting each time, which is definately harder but the trap bar allows me to better keep perfect form, I seemed to feel every muscle from my waist down on that one.  Good heavy workout!

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