Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today was a freaking awesome day.  I have never gone for a true 1RM squat clean, well now I can, so why not.

Squat Cleans


Back Squats - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.........135, 155, 165, 175, 185

I wasn't actually expecting that.  I work hard on front squats, so I know what I can handle there, but when the weight comes slamming down onto my shoulders it gets harder.  Also I spent years doing power cleans, more specifically hang power cleans, so they are more trained than my squat clean (and still are).  Squat clean should be more than your power clean, and mine is, but just barely.  I know I need some work on form on this one, I make the common mistake of sometimes sort of power cleaning the weight and then riding it into the squat, I have no video proof but I probably did that here.  Nevertheless I felt fast and confident in getting under the bar, 235 was flipping heavy for me, I wish I had a video but was working out alone.  I haven't done the 5 sets of 10 reps on back squats in a while, or back squats for that matter, so why not.  Ended at 10 pounds heavier than the last time, and my legs were feeling it.  Overall I felt amazing after this workout, tomorrow is a busy day for me so I wanted to make sure I got this in on what is usually a rest day.

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