Sunday, October 9, 2011

Olympic Lifting

Going into the gym I was just going to do some stretching, like I always do on Sundays, I started stretching and Eric asked me if I could video tape his lift, he performed a lovely 185 full squat snatch.  That seemed to get me pumped up to want a video for myself so I decided I'd go for a heavy power clean and split jerk, I pr'd on both of these on Thursday but as separate lifts, today they were together.

Power Clean and Split Jerk
225x1 (didn't like my form though)

The video above is my last set at 230, a pr on both the power clean and split jerk.  I took a video of 225, which was successful but I didn't like my form on the jerk at all.  I decided to up the weight anyways to 230, I was able to get the weight to my shoulders but then failed on the jerk, simply wasn't aggressive enough.  I was going to stop there but Eric simply said "ya trying again", why the hell not.  This is the video that is above, I was much more aggressive on the jerk and caught the bar with straight arms, awesome.  The rest of the workout was stretching, which was my original plan.  Feel amazing about it now.


  1. hah I didn't even realize that till now, thanks, became very mental by the end of it.

  2. Did you find people staring at you while you were lifting the bumper plates? The 45lb one is twice the thickness of the metal version, which meant I had a few people watching me today during my deadlifts! I missed my PR, but massaged my ego because it looked like I was lifting so much weight.

  3. Prior to that lift eric was doing his snatches and dumping the weight, that got some looks for sure, when I got around to mine it was mainly just eric, chris, one younger kid and my father, it gathered looks either way but the 45's are very thick, I don't think you could even fit 4 of them a side (that I can lift that much weight yet anyways).

  4. When I deadlift 225, I have 2 x 45lb plates on each side of 45lb bar. The bumpers look heavier because they're twice as thick. That's what people were staring at!
