Monday, October 17, 2011


Max Mormont
Hey I did have time for a workout today, not much but decided to pick one lift and go heavy.  Decided to go heavy on sets of 5 for deadlifts, conventional, starting from top and touch and go, optimal for lifting as much weight as possible.  Before the workout, while I wasn't sore in my back, I wasn't going to go for a new max as yesterday had heavy squat cleans and back squats and my legs were sore, I usually say this and as I get heavy I say screw it I'm going for a max, I did that today.

375x5 (pr)

The results were successful, I'm not oblivious I know my form had faltered on that last set, most of the reps had a grunt to go with them but 375 is definately a pr, and coming after a day that had back related exercises I am very happy.  The one rep max calculator says my max is now 422, maybe someday I'll load 4 plates a side (405) and see if I can do one.  On a day I had no intention of working out on I am very content to get this short but heavy ass pr.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great job on the new PR! I was discussing my training with a friend yesterday and told him I did Olympic lifting, including deadlifts. He was impressed that my PR is 280lb, so I decided to check for the world record, to put that in perspective. Oh, dear.

  3. hah I saw Andy Bolton's lift, it's insane that these guys are lifting over half a ton. Hell I'm not even close to the one handed deadlift record.

    I always love watching documentaries and one had this story of a skinny 115 pound teenager lifting the motor engine side of a car (weighing up to 1000 pounds) off the ground in order to save his uncle trapped underneath it. They say under extreme circumstances anyone is capable of super human strength.....maybe next time I go for a deadlift pr I should imagine I am saving someone's life.

  4. Just get Eric to lie under the weights when you're lifting them. (Don't tell him I suggested that.)

  5. Not urgent enough, he can just bench press the weight, it'd have to be liliana or something.

  6. Bloody hell - I was joking, but you're actually rationalizing it!
