Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Full Body
6:30 workout start this morning, damn that's early but it tured out to be a great workout. Also went heavy on front squats for the 4th time in a month, which is 3 more times than I normally would. I won't max out each time I'll just try and keep going heavy.
Front Squat
Squat Clean into Thruster - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3........135, 145, 155, 165, 175(2)
Broad Jumps, 6 trips across the gym, about 8 jumps per trip
I wasn't sure how it was going to go today on the front squats, all reps were full rom from the start but 235 felt pretty heavy. My pr on front squats is 250, but that's just breaking parallel and with a cross armed grip, I am very happy I was able to get 245 for full rom for 3 reps, Jason was standing close just in case. The squat cleans into a thruster were tough, much tougher than the squat clean and jerks I did last Thursday, that's because you have to go right into the thruster out of the squat, so you have less momentum as the weight goes up the squats get slower. On the last set at 175 I was too slow coming out of the squat (my legs didn't have enough left) so getting 175 overhead wasn't going to happen as I didn't have enough drive. Last time I did tha exercise I stopped at 145 so am very happy with how they went today. The broad jumps were last minute, I reset everytime and jumped as far as possible, didn't time myself but damn that wasn't easy my lungs were lit up. Afterwards my shins, entire core and glutes mainly were hurting, great early morning workout.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Full Body
With the last 2 days being conditioning or all bodyweight I wanted to up the weight a bit here, happy with how it went.
Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........155, 175, 195, 205, 215(2)
Wide Grip Cable Row - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........120, 130, 140, 150, 160(3)
Shoulder to Overhead - 4xmax reps at 135 (starting from ground)........8, 8, 8, 8
Deadlifts - 4xmax reps at 225 (starting from top)........15, 13, 11, 10
I am very pleased with how the bench press went, last workout I went heavy on it I got 205 for just 3 reps at the end, today the fifth rep was close but Eric was no where near the bar. 215 is a pr for me, Eric would say I got 3, I say I got 2 because even though he says he didn't help he did place his hands on the bar so I don't count it. Having said that I believe he did help, the bar stopped a few inches from my chest and then started moving again so I think he gave a slight nudge. The shoulder to overhead seemed to mostly be push jerks, I only went from the ground as both squat racks were in use, why I got 8 on all 4 sets is weird but ah well. I did the deadlifts from the top, used touch and go, and I used straps as I wanted to see what I could get with 225 under optimal conditions, I am very pleased I got 15 on the first set. Even with the straps my grip seemed to be the limitting factor but my hamstrings and about middle back were burning, overall it was a great workout!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
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Kevin Montoya |
Leg Circuit
24 Squats
24 Travelling Lunges (12 per leg)
24 Jump Squats
24 Jump Lunges (12 per leg)
3 Rounds for time
10 Pullups
20 Situps
Time: 5:51
Leg Circuit
24 Squats
24 Travelling Lunges (12 per leg)
24 Jump Squats
24 Jump Lunges (12 per leg)
4 Rounds for time
10 Dips
10 Weighted RC Situps - 12 lb med ball
Time: 6:52
Leg Circuit
24 Squats
24 Travelling Lunges (12 per leg)
24 Jump Squats
24 Jump Lunges (12 per leg)
Last night I had this weird stomach pain, nothing too bad but forced me to stop eating when normally I would have consumed another few hundred calories, I felt it a bit today but more noticed my energy was lower. None of the leg circuits were timed but I moved as fast as I could each time. The pullup/situp one was nice and quick. The dip one I got stalled at my dad went over to use the roman chair while I was doing dips, he does sets of 20 on there so I had to wait a bit, ah well.
jump lunges,
jump squats,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Playground Conditioning
This was a fun day only because it was different, I biked up to the playground behind an elementary school and found a way to do a fun workout.
6 Rounds for time
10 Fat Man KippingPullups
10 Boulder Burpees
10 Bench Box Jumps
3 Poll Climbs
Time: 24:44
Needs some explaining, the fat man pullups were done off the side bar of the monkey bars, I call then fat man because the bar was much fatter than normal pullup bars, I couldn't even get my hand all the way around that made them much harder than regular pullups.....also because my knees were a couple inches from the ground it was hard to get a good kip in. The boulder burpees are simple, do a burpee, then perform a lateral hop over the boulder, it was maybe 2 feet wide and one foot high....and done over gravel so my hands and chest were covered in pebbles. The bench box jumps are pretty self explanatory, it was maybe 20 inches high, this was the easiest one by far. The poll climbs would mimic a rope climb, but I never used my legs and were a hell of a lot harder than I thought they would be. The steel poll couldn't have been too high, looked in between 10 and 15 feet, but I'm 6'3 and have a long reach, also I never slid back down I just dropped, which wasn't too high to do so I don't know. Overall this was a fun challenging workout, the heat outside made it sweaty and I was covered in dust and pebbles by the end, the stations weren't exactly side by side either.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Full Body
Today was one of those days where leaving the gym I felt great. The above video was at 200 pounds, my last set. Prior to this a client of mine was nice enough to video tape my lift at 185, I felt strong on that so decided to go up for another set, 195 is too odd an number so an even 200 pounds. Prior this my max squat clean was 185, and max weight overhead was 205, so this was pushing it on a few levels I had no clue if I would make the lift.
Clean and Jerk - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.........135, 155, 175, 185, 200
Back Squats - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.......135, 145, 155, 165, 175
For time
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings - 24 kg
Time: 5:23
I m by no means an olympic lifting expert, all my knowledge has come from videos and just self teaching. I honestly thought my form would be just aweful but this is a lot better than I predicted. I'm sure someone like Mike Burgener could tear this apart but I I am still happy with how it went. On the second jerk I was closer to losing the weight but quickly self corrected. I liked that my back was straight, my hips weren't too high coming out of the pull, my depth was good, has a good rack position....all things I feel I did well in, whether I actually did or not I do not care I am very happy about it. The back squat were hamstring to calf, I haven't gone heavier than 155 on that since my back was shit but I was feeling confident, 175 was certainly hard for 10 full rom reps but I kept good form. The swings got my heart rate up and generally hurt. Great workout!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Upper Body
Today felt like a tired day so wasn't expecting any pr's, and after yesterdays workout today was only upper body. I also forgot my sheet at the gym so this if off the top of my head but I think I'm mostly right.
Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..............225, 245, 265, 275(2), 275(1)
Inverted Rows - 4xmax reps.......12, 9, 9, 7
Pullups - 4xmax reps.......5, 4, 4, 4
Gironda Dips - 4xmax reps.......15, 10, 9, 8
I think I am mostly right there, I'll confirm when I head back into the gym. I know I have gotten 275 for 3 reps on back bench before, today I started heavier but even from then my arms didn't have the same drive, I blame all the handstand pushups yesterday. The rest seemed to go well though.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Full Body
Today I did the front squat different, they have a short pause at the bottom of the rep. I got the idea from Nate Schrader, he can be seen doing them at 3:55 in the video below;
(the first 2 sets at 95 were done normal style, the sets that followed were with the pause)
Front Squats
'Diane' 21-15-9 reps for time
Deadlifts - 225
Handstand Pushups
Time: 13:00
Glide Pad Ab Rollouts - 3xmax reps.........9, 7, 7
This day means a lot to me, Diane was one of the first workouts I ever saw on crossfit a few years back, at that time I remember thinking "no way in hell I could ever complete that". The video was of Pat Barber and Annie Sakamoto, she had different weights but he blasted through the workout like nothing. My time is nothing to be proud of but it was more that I go see a workout like this and say "ya I can do that". When I first saw it my max deadlift was right around 225, and I couldn't do a single handstand pushup. Today I was tempted to do sumo (stronger with that style) and use straps, I figured I might aswell do it the same way they did, so conventional and no straps. The deads were actually easier than the handstand pushups, overall it was tough and my time looks slow but I am just happy I finally am able to do that workout. The front squats were obviously much harder than how I normally do them with the pause, 205 was close to not standing all the way up but was surprised I was even able to do that much.
Monday, August 22, 2011
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Umm, alright |
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Bent Arm Chest Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Dip Station Stretch - 2x10 reps
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Standing Splits - 2x30 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg - 2x30 seconds
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Attack my weakness day, also known as bodyweight day. Made it a little more crossfit style by adding a kip to an exercise I normally wouldn't.
10 Rounds for time
5 Handstand Pushups
6 Kipping Pullups
7 Kipping Dips
8 Jump Lunges (8 per leg)
9 Situps
10 Squats
Time: 26:30
Not bad, I wanted to try and make everything unbroken which I just barely was able to do. The handstand pushups were the hardest despite being the smallest number of total reps and closest to being broken up, but with strict form I managed to keep them all unbroken. The pullups were pretty easy, they show up much more than the other exercises. The kipping dips were the new one, and while it made them faster, they were the second hardest exercise. The jump lunges were just energy wasting, the situps became slow motion but not too bad and squats were easy too. Overall I kept a steady pace, 450 reps total, was hoping for a sub 30 minutes so was happy I got it.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Full Body
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Olympic lifting does the body good |
Power Clean and Jerk
Incline Bench Press - 5xmax reps at 135.........8, 6, 6, 6, 6
One and 1/2 rep neutral grip pullups - 4xmax reps........7, 5, 5, 5
I am happy with how the clean and jerks went. I can go heavier than 185, but without bumper plates I won't yet, I need a safe way to fail a rep, at 185 if I fail and try to catch the bar I could pull my shoulder out of its socket, or if I simply drop the bar like you are suppose to then I could break the iron plates and piss off my boss. Nevertheless 185 was still heavy, both the clean and the jerk portion of the lift felt strong, next time this comes up I will want to video tape myself to see how my form is. My pr on the clean and jerk is 205 (but I cleaned 215), but that was at another gym with bumper plates so I was able to safely drop the weights. The first 4 sets were touch and go, the last 3 I reset between each rep. The second part probably should say relative failure, I worked out alone and maybe could have gotten another rep on a few of the sets, but I still felt it. The last part is exactly how it sounds, perform a full pullup from a deadhang, lower yourself halfway, pull your chin back over the bar then lower all the way down, that is one rep....damn those really burned. Great workout!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Full Body
Good full body routine in store today.
Split Squats - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5........135, 145, 155, 165, 175
Cable Row - 4xmax reps at 160........8, 6, 5, 5
Neutral Grip Pullups - 4xmax reps........7, 5, 5, 5
Handstand Pushups - 5xmax reps..........10, 7, 7, 6, 6
The split squats got real heavy, I'd have to check but I think my pr is 190 for 3 reps, I don't think I've done 5 heavy reps but 175 was pretty heavy. The second part had lower numbers than I thought but the cable rows felt heavy so that probably affected the pullups more. The handstand pushups felt pretty good, one of my weaknesses for sure. I enjoy these shorter but tough workout, tomorrow I got no clue what I'll do but it'll probably have a conditioning portion.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Full Body
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Steve Willis |
Deadlifts (starting from top)
AMRAP in 12 minutes
Dips.....with a twist, every time you drop from the bar you must perform 10 pushups
Score - 66 reps
The deadlifts felt pretty good, 335 was certainly heavy for me but all reps were completed. I could feel my back but in a good way, and typing this now I simply feel like I had a good workout. The last part I got from something I did a few months ago, back then I stopped at 50 reps, with the same pushup penalty for dropping off the bar. Back then it took me 11:37 to complete it, with 5 breaks (or 50 pushups), when I hit the 50th dip I checked my watch and was at 8 minutes, very nice improvement there, which makes me like the new training style all the more.
Monday, August 15, 2011
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Nate Schrader |
Front Squats
Resistance Band Pullups - 5xmax reps with green band........5, 5, 5, 5, 5
DB Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........75s, 80s, 85s, 90s, 95s(3)
I had realized part way through that prior to going heavy on the front squats, it was the third day in a row of training. Saturday being almost a 15km bike ride, which wasn't lung intensive but harder on the legs, and yesterday which totalled 250 air squats. I wasn't sore at all but I could feel my legs didn't have the same drive. That didn't seem to matter as I got 235 for 3 reps, clean grip and hamstring to calf, which is a pr under that style for me, was very tough but felt great. The resistance pullups was the first time I've gotten 5 reps on all 5 sets before, also felt good. The last one I felt strong with the 90s so I went up again, I got a handoff but it was a lot on my own, but he did help so I didn't count that rep, the next 3 were all on my own. Closing in on doing the 100s for flat, great strength workout!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Got to keep attacking my weakness, moving my 6'3 frame around and trying to attack hard bodyweight routines. Crossfit has a classic workout called barbara, the difference between that and my version is I took out the rests, there version is after each round you rest 3 minutes, I went straight through. Whichever version is harder I don't know but that does mean I'm in a for a long workout, and I was.
5 Rounds for time
20 Kipping Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps (feet anchored)
50 Squats
Time: 39:41
This was done in my clients basement, there pullup bar is rectangle and I could tell right away that it made the pullups harder as it's harder to hold onto, but even with a slightly more difficult pullup it wasn't too terrible, mainly because they only came in sets of 20. The pushups were the easiet, always broken into 20 and 10 each round. The situps were the hardest for me, partly because my abs are a weak point at situps and what not. The squats weren't too bad as an exercise but were the second hardest because of the volume of them. 100 pullups, 150 pushups, 200 situps and 250 squats.....or 700 reps was tough, but needed to rid my weakness at bodyweight movements.....I do actually enjoy them a little.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Bike Ride
Today my back was feeling a little funny for some reason, so I decided to go for a nice long bike ride. From home I ventured into New Hamburg and looped a bit around there before I came back, the total distance, according to is 8.84 miles, or 14.23 km, lots of hills. I didn't stop once, kept it in a high gear, and realize a road bike would make the trip easier, ah well it wasn't about easy.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Full Body
Very sleepy to start this workout, at the end of my shift too, but started off very well.
Push Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.......135, 155, 165, 175, 185
Inverted Rows - 5xmax reps.....14, 10, 9, 8, 8
6 Rounds for time
5 Power Clean - 135
6 Max Air Jump Squats
Time: 9:19
Gironda Dips - 10, 8, 8
I am very happy with how the push presses went, I do not believe I have gotten 185 got 3 reps before, felt very strong on that exercise. I did the inverted rows a little different, I placed the bar higher and placed my feet on a bench, overall it seemed the make the exercise harder. I kept strict form, chest touches the bar each time or it doesn't count. The third part is decieving but I predicted it would be, the max air jump squats are just how they sound, you jump as high as you can each time, all that force being generated, coupled with the power cleans makes you winded. The gironda dips were thrown in for fun I hadn't done them in quite some time. Afterwards went over to check my phone and my last client for the day cancelled, so home I went, glad too because I was exhausted.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Full Body
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Jenny Labaw |
Incline Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..........165, 190, 210, 220(2), 225, 235(1)
For time
50 C2B Chinups
Time - 9:49
5 Rounds for time
6 Hang Power Snatches - 95
8 Back Squats - 135
Time: 10:25
The numbers are random in the first part. Only getting 2 reps at 220 was weird, then getting all 3 at 225, the last set at 235 for a single is one rep less than my pr. I think what happened was I forgot what weight I got up to last time, I thought it was 230, so I based my weight increases on that, I then realized it was 235 and that's why the numbers jumped all over and I think I wasn't there mentality. I think I can get it next, 235 for a triple that is. The second part went well, started with a set of 9 then it was all over, tempting to kip on C2B chins but I kept strict form. The last part got my heart rate up, overall it was simple and a good workout.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Today I wanted to go as heavy as possibly on 2 exercises, so I picked the front squat and sumo deadlift
Front Squat
Sumo Deadlifts
Felt strong on both lifts, kept the deadlifts from the floor this time, hence the lighter weight. Might as well keep it that way. I took a video of the last of my front squats, so at 225, since switching to clean grip the weights have felt to come along nicely. I feel much more stable with the weights than I did with a cross armed grip. I took the video so I could see my depth, which looked as low as possible, to check my back to make sure it wasn't rounded, and to see if my elbows drop. I can't see from that angle, but I like how it turned out, looks like I maybe had another 10 pounds in me. Simple yet challenging strength day.
Monday, August 8, 2011
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Nadia Shatila |
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Machine Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Shoulder Dislocates - 2x10 reps
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Standing Splits - 2x30 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg - 2x30 seconds
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Weird, I hadn't done this day longer than usual, before some of the stretches I barely felt in the muscles, today I felt it there big time despite not being sore. I think that proves it was working before, and I need to stay on top of it.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Cindy on Steroids
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Kevin Simons |
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Switch Grip Pullups
10 Clapping Pushups
15 Jump Squats
Score: 10 Rounds + 5 Rotational Pullups
Light skill work on butterfly pullups, l-sit holds, and free handstand holds.
That was a tough but good workout. A video of switch grip pullups is below (although the name kind of says it), I've done them before and some people seem to think it's dangerous, I'm not sure why my feet are below me at all times so if I miss the bar I just land on my feet, does a number on my hands though, nearly lost 2 callouses (started with an underhand grip). It's an exercise I won't make my clients do, just me. The clapping pushups turned out to be the toughest ones, and broken the most my arms kept giving out. The jump squats weren't as bad as I thought, overall it got my heart rate right up there and focussed on what I pointed out as my weakness last week, bodyweight movements. I maybe strung 5 butterfly pullups together, but I really suck at those, l-sits maybe 5 seconds and handstand hold even less, I got to work on skill work like that.
Switch Grip Pullups, the ones I did were strict, no kip allowed.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I went for a pure conditioning day today, 3 mainly short metcons. The first one I wanted to see how I stack up against the girls, so I did the WOD from the 2010 games, I am much heavier than them all, but that's just an excuse, I ended up placing 4th.
7 Rounds for time
3 Power Cleans
4 Handstand Pushups
Time: 5:17
The girl in the picture on the left did that routine 3:37, first by a long shot, the cleans were easy but the handstand pushups slowed me down and actually needed to be broken by the last 3 rounds. I did beat the girl on the right though, this crossfit games current female champ. It was a good little workout, the quickness of each round makes this a sprint kind of workout.
3 Rounds for time
10 Kipping Pullups
10 Front Squats - 135 (from the ground)
10 Burpees
Time: 11:59
This was harder than I thought, I was very winded throughout. I knew the front squats would be the hardest part and they were, hamstring to calf though.
3 Sets of 30 second Row intervals
171 metres, 172 metres, 173 metres
rest as needed between rounds
I pulled a Nigel here and got better as the sets went on. After all this I was spent, and despite getting beat by 3 girls this was a great conditioning workout. (I did beat the gymnast Camille on it)
Friday, August 5, 2011
Full Body
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Aja Barto |
Military Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.......125, 135, 140, 145, 150(2)
Neutral Grip Pullups - 5xmax reps........15, 9, 8, 7, 7
5 Rounds for time
5 Hang Squat Cleans - 135
20 Pushups
Time: 11:09
Very pleased with the military presses, prior to today my pr was 145 for a triple, and I just barely got that third rep. Today 145 felt hard but better than last time, so I went for a pr of 150, rep 1 went great, rep 2 was slow moving and rep 3 moved about 3 inches my arms just said no. Still glad I can strict overhead press 150 for 2 reps though. My lats were still a little sore from Monday so I didn't expect much from the pullups, they actually went better than planned. The last part shot my heart rate up, the hang squat cleans were hamstring to calf, only the first round went unbroken. Great workout, just had enough time to change and shower before my next client.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Full Body
Today I felt strong, still sore in most of my body but meh.
Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.......155, 175, 185, 195, 205(3)
Wide Neutral Grip Cable Row - 120(8), 130(8, 8, 8, 8)
Romanian Deadlift - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6.........185, 205, 225, 245, 245
Isometric Pullup hold, 3xmax time.......Pronated Grip, Underhand Grip, and Neutral Grip
I was actually surprised at how the bench press went, I asked for a spot for once so I was able to go right to failure, the last set I got 4 but the last set was assisted, only 3 were on my own. The rows were pretty standard. The romanian deadlifts was a last minute decision, I still wanted to do some legs today and my hamstrings were the only thing I could find on my legs that weren't sore, so RDL's it was. The last 2 sets were definately heavy but it felt good. The last part I wanted to try, I didn't time myself but I got the idea from an article posted on a site I visit often. I tried 3 different grips and held my chin just above the bar on each, my arms started to shake as I fatigued but I could feel it pretty good. Nice workout for an early morning one.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Full Body
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I forgot what I had to say about this pic...... |
I didn't expect much out of me today, the last time I performed Angie I was left a sore mess, while today I was sore, it's not nearly as bad as last time. Still I knew I wasn't going to be able to go as heavy as I normally could, also shorter workout today due to time constraints.
Box Front Squats - 165x7, 185x6, 6, 6, 6
Thrusters - 4xmax reps at 135.......5, 5, 4, 4
Back Squats - 4x10........155
That's it, I never mind when I am limited in workout times I always feel great after I am done. My lats and abs and chest and hips/inner thigh, as well as my glutes from before are all sore today, so I needed some time to warm up. The box front squats were tough, I could actually feel my lats fatiguing on them (they help to stabalize the load), but 185 was getting heavy by the end. The thrusters are actually the only exercise I felt weaker on, my arms didn't have the same drive in them, squatting portion was hamstring to calf though. The back squats were also hamstring to calf, felt good, hopefully not too sore tomorrow.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Today I decided to revisit an old routine I did 26 months ago, I didn't do well then, and dont' feel I did well today either. Over the years I realize my weaknesses a lot more, mainly bodyweight movements, more specifically for the legs and core (which was half of todays workout). Either way, today went as follows.
For time
100 Kipping Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps (feet anchored)
100 Squats
Time: 24:16
I can reason with it and say I am 10 pounds heavier now, and back then I remember some pullups, pushups, and situps weren't full ROM, today everything was good. But I should be better at bodyweight routines, it's certainly a weakness of mine. I have no intention of ever competing in crossfit so I don't really mind that I didn't do well today, but I still felt slow. Ah well, it happens. The pullups took the longest, 20 reps from the start, then many sets of 6 and 7. The pushups got to 25 from the start, then many sets of 10. Situps were a set of 20, then sets of 10, while the squats started with a set of 40 then went random after that. I tried to pace myself, and by the end felt like I maybe overpaced myself, and rested longer than necessary. The good news is no ripped callous after todays workout.
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