Sunday, July 17, 2011

Active Recovery/Assistance Work

Was tempted to do a regular full body workout today, as I am not yet sure if I will have the chance tomorrow as all my clients seem to pool on the same day.  Ah well, I skipped this day last week so I didn't want to again.

Alternate Sets
DB Flies - 2x12.....27, 30
DB Rear Lat Raises - 2x12.......22

Lateral Raises - 2x12......22
Underhand Pulldowns - 2x12.........120

Overhead Tripcep Extensions - 2x12......70
Incline Curls - 2x12.......20

Leg Extension - 2x15........185, 200
Hamstring Curl - 2x15........70

GHD Situps - 3x10

Some overhead squat practise, but wasn't feeling it today.  I go back and forth whether or not I think GHD situps are a good exercise.  I have never hurt myself from them, but that doesn't mean I never will, crossfit loves them, and they are the only exercise to make my abs crippling sore (like the first time I did lunges).  I will use them sparingly.