Sunday, May 1, 2011


Crossfit workout 11.2, wow it was a tough one.  I wanted to at least get over 200 reps, going into the workout I didn't bother to find out how many rounds I'd need to get I'd just go.

AMRAP in 15 minutes
9 Deadlifts - 155
12 Crossfit Pushups
15 Box Jumps - 24 inches
Score: 7 Rounds

That's 252 reps, so I was happy when I finished this workout.  Rob Orlando, one of my favourite crossfit athletes, got 504 on this workout, so I am half as fit as him by this standard, I am actually very pleased with that haha.  I briefly compared myself to everyone else who completed this workout and I actually am comparable to some (beat quite a few too).  I wouldn't ever call myself a crossfitter so this pleases me too.  I got the first 4 rounds done in just over 7 minutes, so obviously I slowed down as time went on.  Everything had it's hard point, the deadlifts were never broken but getting close, the pushups were broken on only the last 2 rounds, the box jumps I predicted would be the toughest and they were broken the most, it was just the sheer volume of them.  My back, grip, shoulers, and even quads all got hit a bit, but my lungs got hammered.  Time for a quick second workout too.

AMRAP in 10 minutes
100 metre row
5 Burpees
Score: 8 Rounds

More to just keep going, got my heart rate up.  This workout was done at 6:30, long after the gym closes, I had spent all day sitting, in a car to and from London and 2 hours for a play (which was very good), so I couldnt get it done earlier.  I was very stiff so had to really warm up, now time to re-fuel with something.


  1. Half as fit as Orlando is nothing got be ashamed of! You certainly kicked my ass: It was the deadlifts that got me, but you're always stronger than me on weighted routines. Great job!

  2. Thanks, it was certainly a tough one, the deadlifts weren't too bad for me but it's my back that is a bit sore today.
