Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Not as much time again today, but again enough time for a tough workout.

Wide Neutral Grip Cable Row - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.......120, 139, 140, 150, 160(4)

Rack Deadlifts - 10, 10, 6, 6........185, 225, 275, 315

Each for time (very random routine I made up as I went)
20 Pullups..........1:11
rest 90 seconds
15 Pullups.........1:19
rest 60 seconds
10 pullups.........1:00
rest 30 seconds
5 pullups...........0:20
rest 60 seconds
20 Neutral Grip Pullups..........2:55

That was all I had time for.  The cable rows went well, certainly got heavy by the end, my strength never seems to be the same at 7:30 in the morning.  The rack pulls felt strong too, I hadn't intended on going heavy as I am always overall stiff in the mornings but I felt good so I decided to keep going.  All the reps I reset each rep, so not touch and go, the pins were set at 4 holes or right at my knee joint.  The last part was entirely random, my mind was else where and I made it up as I went, but it was still difficult.


  1. Are rack deadlifts the same as partial deadlifts, like we did last week?

  2. yup, same thing, no idea why I changed the name.

  3. I prefer "rack deadlifts". "Partial deadlifts" sounds like I can't do the whole thing!

  4. lol you do partial squats as one of your exercises ya know.

  5. Yeah, but if I tell people I can do rack squats with 270lb they'll be more impressed. If I say partial squats they'll probably ask why I don't do the whole thing. It's all marketing and perception.
