Friday, May 27, 2011


American Fitness
Leg day, had to be careful because my pulled/sore hip, but I wanted to see what I could do.  Also I left my workout sheet at work so this is off the top of my head, but I think I'm mostly right.

Lunges - 135(3), 155(6, 5, 5, 5)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time
Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squats - 95
Left Leg Bulgarian Split Squats - 95
Time: 13:34

Single Leg-Leg Press - 5x5......90

Leg Extension - 185x75 (30, 20, 15, 10)

Sitting now my hip is a bit more sore than going into the workout, but that's not because of anything I did above.  I tried some full range back squat at 145 after the timed portion and it caused pain so I left it out, if I try back squats again it'll only be to parallel until my hip heals.  The lunges went well, the first set was more of a warmup, 155 was as much pressure as I'd want to put on my hip but it felt hard for the sets of 12 and 10 (total).  The timed part was tough, it actually felt good too because when my back leg was elevated it stretched out my hip flexor well.  The leg press was random, I realized there the strength difference in my legs too.  Overall it was a good early morning workout, hip flexor thing is weird though, I was unable to do back squats at 145 but able to put 155 on one leg for the lunges.  Must have been the full rom that goes with my back squats.


  1. Love the picture. However, I remember at our first training session you were surprised I walked - not drove - all the way from Wilmot Street to the gym!

  2. heh that's different, you walked 15 minutes when most would avoid it, the picture is avoiding about 12 steps....a whole new kind of lazy.

  3. Like the US gym that serves pizza as a reward!
