Saturday, May 7, 2011


I call this workout from hell, till now my longest timed workout was 41 minutes and some change, this workout blasts that out of the water.  I don't think I'll inflict this on any of my clients, not only for the reason that our sessions are an hour max, but they may fire me so I'd have to scale it back.  This is what I did;

For time
1000 metre row, then
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of
Kipping Pullups
Box Jumps - 30 inches
Hang Squat Cleans - 95
Kettlebell Swings - 24 kg
Time: 1:10:04

After that I resembled the above picture, I'll break it down.  The 1000 metre row wasn't too bad, completed it almost exactly 4 minutes, I could row 1000 metres quicker than that, but wanted to pace myself, nevertheless coming off the rower I was winded and never got my breath back till it was over.  The burpees were technically never broken, just slow moving, the box jumps and swings also never broken, the pullups were.  The squat cleans on the other hand could just bite me, I should have programmed hang power cleans, but nooooo I had to add the squat.  The rep scheme made it all the worse too, the sets keep getting longer and longer, and when you've hit the top of the mountain, 10 reps, you have to go alllll the way back down.  To simplify it, that's 100 reps of EACH movement, or 500 total, plus a 1000 metre row, and I have no clue why I made the box jumps 30 inches (13 risers plus the step) but I did, and I refuse to change a workout once I've started it.

Maybe I was having a bad day, I did feel ill partway through, but that could have just been the workout, I felt more winded going through the circuit than usual, but again I have no clue I got nothing or no one to compare this with, and I doupt I will.  If I ever choose to do this again, then I'll know, but I promise you that won't be for a while.


  1. Forgive me if I don't trust you when you say you won't try this with any of your clients. What am I going to do - fire you from my deathbed?

  2. lol probably, if I do have my clients try it, it'll be scaled back for sure.

  3. I just noticed the box jumps were 30"! Must try that when 24" feels too easy! :-)
