Monday, May 9, 2011


Best Sprinter in the world
Two reasons why I did the workout below, one my clients lined up nice and close together making it difficult to get my workout in, I could have but that would have prevented me from eating, so I chose eating because I knew I could workout later at home.  Two my body was sore from Saturdays marathon, not so much my muscle, but my joints especially my hips and back, two things I need for a weighted leg day.  As the day wore on I did feel better and probably could have done a weighted leg workout like usual, but I was already pumped for the below workout style.  Part 1 I did back in January and completed it in 20:13.

7 Rounds for time
40 Travelling Lunges (20 per leg)
20 Jump Squats
Time: 17:22

6 Sets of sprints, untimed, about 40 yards long

Bulgarian Split Jumps - 1x10 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squats - 1x20 per leg
Jump Lunges - 1x50 per leg

Definately a big leg burner, it feels like forever since I've done sprints and before one thing they'd always do was make me sore, I predict that will be the case today.  I am happy with my improved time on part 1, but to be fair the old routine was done in a foot of snow in minus 12 degree weather, today it was sunny and warm and I only had shorts and t-shirt on, not a full winter workout suit.  These workouts are all I did in the summer of 2008, which was between college semesters.  I dropped that because they aren't standard leg days, hard to build big strong legs without weights, and also they don't really classify as conditioning because while my heart rate does get it up it's my legs that would hold me back.  Having said that, they are fun, challenging, need to be athletic to do them and they target my number one weakness (bodyweight leg movements).  I don't know what I'll do yet, fun workout though.


  1. I have no idea what a Bulgarian Split Jump is, but I've a horrible feeling I'll be finding out some time!


    Ignore the commentary, I don't necessarily agree with everything he says.

  3. Ok, that look like another test of my poor balancing ability!
