Monday, May 6, 2013


Worked out with one of the trainers tonight, she has a more body building approach to training so it was a little different for me.

Hammer Strength Pulldown - 180x10, 230x8, 8, 8

Single Arm Chest Supported Row - 90x10, 115x8, 140x8

Wide Grip Pullups - 10, 10, 8, 8

T-Bar Rows - 60x10, 70x10, 8, 8

Single Arm Cable Row - 50x10, 60x8, 70x8

Good workout!


  1. Are you doing more low weight/high rep workouts these days?

  2. Well this particular workout certainly was, but yes my workouts have been more on the 'light' side, when I say light I simply mean not 90% of my max, or even attempting my max. The initial reason was mostly my back I was paranoid I'd re-injure it, but now I kind of enjoy it. I have done a few more conditioning workouts too to get my lungs a bit more efficient. Right now my goal is mainly to have fun lol. How is your training going?

    1. My PT sessions tend to be a lot of conditioning work. This Monday's involved plenty of kettlebell work, followed by a run around the block at the end of each of the four circuits. Kicked. My. Ass. The workouts I'm doing on my own follow my trainer, Cosmo's, programming; lots of light weight, high reps. I think I've dropped some body fat - it's only been a little over two months - and built up muscle in areas that I didn't concentrate on too much before, such as arms and traps. I went over to my daughter's place just after a workout, and I was wearing an Under Armor shirt. She was looking at me while talking, then she just stopped and said: "Fuck, you're a skinny bitch!" Contrast that with my mother-in-law who told me at the weekend that she thought I was getting fat because it "looks like you're getting boobs." They're called bloody pecs!

  3. hah I still look at your blog, the programming is quite different. On occasion we'd do bodybuilding style workouts but not often. That's good it's working so far, hope it keeps producing results.
