Thursday, March 31, 2011
Lots of pulling today.
Weighted Pullups - 5x5.......50 on all sets
Sumo Deadlifts (started from top) - 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3........185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275
For time
60 Wide-Grip Pullups
Time: 9:25
Hamstring Curl - 3x8.......90
Preacher Curl - 3x8......60
Last time I tried for 5x5 on pullups with 50 pounds I was unable to get 5 on all sets, this time it was successful, so 55 pounds the next time. The deadlifts went really well too, I pushed it a bit more this time opposed to last time where I stopped at 225. My old back injury is still in the back of my mind but it really felt good today and that I could have kept on going past 275 but I can't get greedy with the weights. I started from the top today too, helps me keep better form as the weights go up. Part 3 wasn't too bad, hoping for sub 10 and got it, good workout.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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Christian Thibaudeau |
Incline Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.........165, 185, 205, 215, 220(2)
Bench Press - 195 (3, 3, 3, 4, 4)
4 Rounds for time
10 DB Bench Press - 60s
10 Dips
Time: 11:12
Drop sets
Pushdowns - 100 pounds to 60 pounds.......10-8, 10-8
Lateral Raises - 22s to 15s......10-8, 10-8
I am happy with how the rack bench press went, last time I got up to 210 for 2, I thought I had 220 for a triple but just fell short, I know I'll get it next time. Regular bench press was interesting, last time I did 185 and got 6 reps on the first set, obviously 195 is heavier but I didn't think it'd make enough of a difference to drop it to 3. I got curious and after the third set switched bars, that's when I got 4 reps, one rep may not seem like much but I could feel the bar was lighter despite the same weights on it. I ended up weighing the bars and noticed the one was only 40 pounds, not 45 like I assumed they all were (and are supposed to be). That kind of bugs me but from now on I won't be using that lighter bar anymore. For reference sake, it's the bar missing the 2 end pieces, the diamond pattern on it is a bit more rough than the other ones, it should be pretty easy to notice. Otherwise good workout.
(I wonder how many other times this has fooled me into thinking I was stronger/weaker for an exercise.)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Felt a bit tired today but overall it was a good leg day.
Bulgarian Split Squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..........95, 115, 135, 145, 155
Front Squats - 5, 5, 5, 5...........155, 175, 185, 195
After each set perform a max time of Isometric Sumo Squat Holds with 24 kg kettlebell
20-15-10-5 reps for time
Front Squats - 135
Jump Squats
Time: 14:07
Drop sets
Leg Extension - 200 pounds to 110 pounds........10-25, 10-25
Calf Raises - 320 pounds to 180 pounds........10-15, 10-15
I wanted to try barbell bulgarian split squats, I've used dumbbells for many weeks, the barbell felt good, for now I prefer it. I never did it before because my balance sucked but that didn't seem to be an issue today. The front squats went well too, the set of iso holds certainly made the rest of the sets painful but I still got up to 195 for 5 reps. At first I wasn't happy with how part 3 went, but then I remembered 50 front squats (what it totals) took me 12 minutes or so before, so adding the 50 jump squats and a harder strength portion before it and only 2 minutes difference isn't so bad. Damn, I forgot how much drop sets hurt.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Today I was short on time, despite being a Sunday I had lots to do, good thing it was conditioning as I can come up with one from home. I kind of revisited an old routine, the reason I say kind of because last time I did this it was on a 400 metre track, today was around my block which is just over 400 metres, maybe 420 or so.
4 Rounds for time
Around the block run
25 Burpees
Time: 22:30
What makes me happy is my old routines time was 25:26, so basically 3 minutes faster today but a slightly longer routine, hell 3 minutes faster on the same routine would have made me happy. The cold didn't bother me at all today, I actually ended up getting rid of the sweater I had for my last round as I was getting pretty warm.
Friday, March 25, 2011
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Jason Khalipa |
Pulling day, I am sore from what feels like head to toe, it would have been a bad idea to do deads or cleans as my lower back is sore too (good sore) so pullups and rows today.
Drop Set pullups (perform as many reps with a weight, drop weight then keep going with bodyweight without dropping off bar, first number is weighted pullups, second is BW pullups.)
With a 40 pound dumbell - 6-4, 6-4, 6-3, 5-3, 4-3
Wide Neutral Grip Cable Row - 120 (8, 9, 9, 9, 9)
20-15-10-5 reps for time
Neutral Pullups
between each set and after the last perform 5 Wide Grip Pullups (so 20 total)
Time: 11:31
Hamstring Curl - 3x8........80
DB Preacher Curl - 3x5.....30
Everything felt good, part 1 was something I've done before but never started with, it certainly made everything that followed it harder than if I had just done something that was strictly strength. Overall it was a good workout. Tomorrow will be a nice day off, chest, arms, quads, inner thigh, glutes, erector spinae, and whatever might be sore from today, will all need a chance to recover.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Pushing day
Rack Shoulder Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..........155, 175, 195, 205, 215
DB Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5............75s, 80s, 85s, 90s, 95s (3)
20-15-10-5 reps for time
Clapping Pushups
Time: 12:21
Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 3x8........90
Machine Flies - 3x8..........80
Been a while since I've tried rack shoulder press, but today was a PR on it nontheless, 215 was very heavy but I was pleased with how it felt. The DB bench press also went well for 2 reasons, one I got 3 reps with the 95s instead of 2, and secondly I only needed a handoff for the last set, normally I need one for the 90s also but today I was good on my own, the 100s are on the way. Part 3 was different I don't use clapping pushups often, they felt about the same difficulty as the dips. With my PR on front squats yesterday (which coupled with the back squats has left my legs a sore mess) and the improvement today this training cycle is off to a good start.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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Patrick Burke |
Lunges - 5, 5, 5..........95, 115, 135
Front Squats - 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3...........135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 235, 245, 225, 225
For time
75 Back Squats - 135
Time: 12:48
Leg Extension - 3x15.......230
Standing BB Calf Raises - 3x12......135
The lunges are more for warming my legs up, which I've done over the last several times I've done heavy on front squats and it's worked perfectly, it challenges me enough that my legs and hips are loosened up, but not so much that it affects the weight I can handle on the front squats. Today they went great, I had a PR in my head before I even started, 245 was damn heavy for me but I got all 3 reps without assitance (Eric was close by) and hit the proper depth each time, it felt great. I worked out later in the day today, some people were surprised I actually workout I guess, well they know I do just not used to seeing my workout as I usually exercise in the morning or early afternoon. The back squats was only going to be AMRAP 12 but I had the bar on my back when my supposed time was up, I couldn`t see so I decided to go on and make it 75 for time. My back was sore going in, it held up fine but I certainly felt it working on those back squats. Good feeling after this was over!
Monday, March 21, 2011
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Rich Froning Jr. |
For time
100 Hang Power Clean and Press - 105
Time: 17:18
So just over 4 minutes off my old time, which I am very pleased with. Back when I did this the first time I was doing more olympic lifting on my own, I'm not now due to no bumper plates so I am happy I still got such an improvement. My comments on my old workout log was this, "holy shit, many sets of 6, kept steady pace but still….holy shit". Today it started with 11, then 7, then many many set of 6, till about 80 or so when I had dropped to sets of 5. My grip was killing me I was barely able to bring over the kettlebell for the next part.
5 Rounds for time
10 Burpees
16 Alternating Swings - 24 kg (8 per arm)
Time: 10:35
30 Decline Situps
This part was hard too, nothing was really broken but certainly got my heard rate up, the situps were done with a very steep decline.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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Exercise, it's not for everyone |
Wide-Grip Pullups - 5xmax reps......14, 11, 10, 8, 8
Sumo Deadlifts - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........135, 185, 205, 225, 225, 225
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time
Power Cleans - 135
Kipping Pullups
Time: 14:13
Preacher Curls - 50 (11, 8, 7)
Hamstring Curls - 3x8......70
The wide pullups were about the same as last time, I really need to check my old scores so I know to see if I can grind out a few more, I always perform better if I am trying to beat an old score. The deadlifts felt really good, first time going over 135 in a while, and I could have gone over 225 no problem but didn't want to get carried away. I had forgotten how much sumo deads work your hamstrings and glutes and inner thigh, and hell it works a lot. Part 3 was tough, I was barely able to hold onto the bar, both the barbell and pullup bar. This is actually loosely based off a crossfit football workout, it certainly was hard.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Pushing day, felt like a good day.
Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.............205, 225, 245, 255, 265(2)
Incline Bench Press - 135(5), 145(5, 5, 5, 5)
AMRAP in 12 minutes
DB Bench Press - 60s
Score: 62 reps
R-Band Pushdowns, black - 3xmax reps (15, 12, 10)
Lateral Raise Holds - 15s, 3xmax time (no idea how long and don't care)
The rack bench went well, I have done 265 before but could only manage a single rep, today 2 reps was in store, I decided to stop there, next time if all goes well I'll try for 275 again (failed last time). I haven't used DB bench press in a timed thing in a while, went well though I really felt it working.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Mid day snack, tortilla crusted Tilapia |
Leg day, but worse yet leg day at 6:30, I had to do the workout nice and early today, which for me is hard to get started but feels good when it's over.
Split Stance Squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..........135, 155, 165, 175, 180
Front Squats - 135(5), 185 (5, 5, 5, 5)
AMRAP in 12 minutes
Front Squat - 135
Score: 51
Leg Extension - 215 (20, 17, 18)
Slow Tempo Calf Raises - 3x8......300
The split stance squats were tough, partially because of how early it was and the gym was empty, I kept feeling reminded that everyone else was sleeping. The front squats felt good, better than I thought actually. Set one was more of a warm up, the sets at 185 were to just below parallel. All I have to compare part 3 with is when I did 50 reps for time (which was hamstring to calf), that I completed in 12:28, so one rep more and 28 seconds faster, not bad on 5 hours of sleep as someone kept me up the night before.....pfft girls (I wonder if she'll read this, I'll probably be in trouble then haha). First time doing calves in a while too, after all was said and done I felt good, I always do after the early morning workouts, getting started it just slower.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
This conditioning day was much like last weeks, crappy, but on the plus side I had predicted it would be before I even got started. I was woken early this morning by a pain in my stomach, didn't really go away completely, but it also left me exhausted. Oh well, like usual unless it takes a lot for me to cancel a workout, but my times sure felt slow.
5 Rounds for time
10 Hang Squat Cleans - 35s
10 Renegade Row with Pushup - 35s
10 Thrusters - 35s
Time: 24:25
eek, time looks slow, but after rounds one I started seeing stars, but I had to keep going. Renegade rows mean in a pushup position you row with one side, do a pushup, that is one then you row with the other arm and do a pushup, that's 2, so it totals 5 rows per arm and 10 pushups.
For time
100 Alternating Swings - 24 kg (50 per arm)
30 Burpees
30 Clean and Jerks - 24 kg (15 per arm, alternating each rep)
Time: 16:00
The swings weren't too bad actually, broken 30-30-22-18, took about 6 minutes or so. The burpees were so so, but the clean and jerks were the hardest, mainly because I was running on my last energy stores. Glad when it was over, but wanted time for some quick abs.
100 Med Bad Twists - 20 pounds, 50 per side
Overall I was completely done after this, last night my throat was sore and I was coughing a bit, the stomach pain this morning was icing on the cake. After this the dumbbell rack started looking as comfortable as my bed, but after I got some food in me I shared a similar moment to my canine friend pictured above.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I'm glad the clock switch was today and not during the week, missing an hour of sleep doesn't mean too much when I get to sleep in.
Rack Supported DB Rows - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4.........75, 80, 85, 90, 95
Weighted Wide Grip Pullups - 5x6..........30 on all sets
For time
40 Bent Over Rows - 135
40 Chinups
Time: 14:23
Preacher Curls - 40x30 (broken into 4 sets)
Last time I did rack supported rows I couldn't get 4 reps on all sets, the 95 felt good and I know I kept good form. I haven't added weight to wide grip pullups in a while but it felt pretty good. Part 3 took longer that anticipated but the 40 chinups were hard after all the bent over rows, which again I had to be careful to keep perfect form. Overall it was a good workout.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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John Welbourne |
Incline Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3...........155, 175, 195, 205, 210
Bench Press - 185 (6, 5, 5, 5, 4)
For time
20-15-10 of bench press - 135
10-8-6 of military press - 95
Time: 12:50
Dips - 3xmax reps......15, 9, 7
11 holes high on the incline bench press, felt strong I didn't think I'd get 3 on the last set and it was very close, but I was glad I got it. Weird how the bench press went, in the past when I start with 185 it feels much heavier, I guess after the incline presses I was more warmed up so 185 was easier in comparison. I had no spot but probably only could have gotten an extra rep on one or 2 of the sets. Part 3 was decieving, especially the military presses, damn they are hard after bench press it was tempting to use legs but I didn't.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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Chris Spealler |
Now on to my workout today, no weights that are near my max today, I wanted a mix of semi heavy with higher reps.
Travelling Lunges - 70 total steps with the 65s (broke down into 5 sets, although the fifth set was small)
Front Squats
155x25 (broke down into 4 sets)
135x25 (broke down into 4 sets)
115x25 (broke down into 3 sets)
3 Rounds for time
10 Reverse Lunges - 135 (5 per leg)
10 Back Squats - 135
Time: 9:05
Leg Extensions - 200 (20, 16, 14)
Part one got my legs working for sure, the 65s aren't light, but aren't rediculously heavy either. I seemed to get to about 14 or 16 steps on each set, which feels like one long ass set. Part 2 took a while, 155 felt a tad heavy on the front squats but again all were hamstring to calf, it felt nice to take 20 pounds off, 115 never felt so light. By the time part 3 came around my legs were tired, but I pushed through and kept going, normally 3 rounds wouldn't take me that long but it was after a lot (essentially 5 sets of lunges and 11 sets of front squats). The leg extensions were max reps with the weight, the weight stack wasn't allowed to touch the bottom. Very good workout!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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My kind of workout area |
Row Intervals, rest as needed between rounds
500 metres - 1:34
400 metres - 1:22
300 metres - 1:02
200 metres - 0:40
100 metres - 0:17
500 metres - 1:51
Total Time - 6:46
This was brutal, and where I first learned today was one of those days. I screwed up by trying to sprint the first bit of the 400 metre interval, I died out and my legs never recovered, not up till the last one even they were simly gone. Nevertheless, this does beat my old total time of 7:13, by quite a bit too, but I can't say it's as large an improvement as it seems the other one was after a 3 mile bike ride. Despite being dead after this, and my head developing a pounding headache (what usually happens when I'm not feeling it) I felt I had to keep going, making it more of a full workout, so I did this.
3 Rounds for time
5 Ground to Shoulder - 24 kg kettlebell times 2
6 Burpees
Time: 5:37
This wasn't what I had planned on doing, round one felt like I just completed a marathon, but because I am stubborn I wanted to do something else.
For time
50 Kettlebell Swings - 24 kg
Everytime you take a break perform 10 burpees.
Time: 9:09
Swings went 20-17-13, so I shoud have only done 2 sets of burpees but decided to do a third one after the 50 reps. I was so spent after this workout in whole, one of those glad when it's over days.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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The Power Clean |
Today I decided to throw cleans back into the mix, something I had originally planned on doing when I created this split but my back was being a pain in the ass so I couldn't. It's been fine for a while now I just seemed to get used to my pullups and rows I just forgot, also throwing light deadlifts in as well. I wanted to use the power cage for pin cleans but it was in use so I started with regular hang power cleans.
Hang power Cleans - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3............135, 155, 165, 175, 175
5 Rounds
5 Power Cleans - 135
Max rep neutral pullups (10, 8, 7, 6, 6)
For time
50 Sumo Deadlifts - 135
Time: 4:29
Chest Supported Row, neutral grip - 3x8......150, 150, 150(7)
Preacher Curl - 5, 5, 5.........60, 70, 80
I wasn't crazy about my form on the last set of hang cleans but that was only because of my grip, using the pins lets me take that out of the equation as I can reset between each rep. Part 2 and 3 was killing my grip but I loved the new combo and simply doing cleans again. I wont go for a true max though, not safe without bumper plates. I'll keep working at a max of 175 until my form becomes much more clean and crisp. Overall it was a good workout.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Austin Malleolo |
Military Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.......115, 125, 135, 140, 145
DB Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........80s, 85s, 90s, 95s(2), 80s
For time
50 Dips
Evertime you stop do 10 pushups
Time: 11:37 (ended up taking 5 breaks)
V-Bar Pushdowns - 110 (10, 6, 6)
Last time I went heavy on military press I couldn't do more than 140, and that was only for 2, today I got 145 for 3, which I have never done before. That was quite the drop in reps from the 90s to the 95s, but I was happy I could get a couple, I did 3 technically but the third one was assisted. Part 3 was basically the same as what I did last week but dips instead of bench press, which I predicted would be easier and it was. Well easier is the wrong work, it was quicker, but still hard in that time frame. Good workout.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Today was a day where I kept changing my mind, I had no intention of going heavy today, I wasn't feeling well with my 2 morning clients and I didn't go to bed early enough the night before, but the mood struck and I decided to go with it. Writing this now I am exhausted, but it was a great workout!
Split Stance Squats - 5, 5, 5......95, 115, 135
Front Squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..............135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 225, 235, 235
5 Rounds for time
10 Back Squats - 135
10 Travelling Lunges - 50s (5 per leg)
Time: 11:18
Leg Extensions - 3x20.......170 on all sets
8 sets of front squats, and again it was a last minute decision to do 8. I got to 235 and was happy, but another mood struck and I decided to try another set with that weight, it actually felt better than the first, I had a spot for both. Because it was heavy weights I broke parallel, the squats in part 3 were hamstring to calf. I was very winded during that part, and I believe my time reflects that, the muggy air in the gym made me sweat but my lack of sleep got to me. Nevertheless, my quads were burning, and it felt great to get the workout over with.
EDIT: I am no longer disappointed in my time on part 3, turns out I performed a workout like this before. It was 4 rounds though, and I started with the lunges, my old time was 11:46, so with an extra round I was 28 seconds faster, pretty happy with that. I only noticed this because I am updating my notebook workout log on word, I thought that workout looked familiar.
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Josh Everett on a 505 deadlift |
Split Stance Squats - 5, 5, 5......95, 115, 135
Front Squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..............135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 225, 235, 235
5 Rounds for time
10 Back Squats - 135
10 Travelling Lunges - 50s (5 per leg)
Time: 11:18
Leg Extensions - 3x20.......170 on all sets
8 sets of front squats, and again it was a last minute decision to do 8. I got to 235 and was happy, but another mood struck and I decided to try another set with that weight, it actually felt better than the first, I had a spot for both. Because it was heavy weights I broke parallel, the squats in part 3 were hamstring to calf. I was very winded during that part, and I believe my time reflects that, the muggy air in the gym made me sweat but my lack of sleep got to me. Nevertheless, my quads were burning, and it felt great to get the workout over with.
EDIT: I am no longer disappointed in my time on part 3, turns out I performed a workout like this before. It was 4 rounds though, and I started with the lunges, my old time was 11:46, so with an extra round I was 28 seconds faster, pretty happy with that. I only noticed this because I am updating my notebook workout log on word, I thought that workout looked familiar.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Mike Mahler, Strength and Conditioning coach |
Today I decided to join my fusion class, I did this on a regular basis before, and only really can now when it shows up in my schedule, certainly a tough one.
25-20-15 reps of
Squat Cleans - 16 kg
Alternating Swings - 20 kg (50-40-30 total)
Overhead Situps - 16 kg
Row for calories
The a full round of a 12 days of Christmas workout, fusion style (we start at 3, so that's why the numbers are a little different).
14 Turkish Getups - 12 kg (7 per my class hates this one)
13 Split Stance Squats - 16 kg (13 per leg)
12 Clean and Jerks - 16 kg
11 Jump Lunges - 16 kg (one held in front of body, 11 per leg)
10 Burpee Cleans - 20 kg (5 per side)
9 Calorie Row
8 Floor Presses - 16 kg (only had the one 20 kg today)
7 Through the Leg and Over the Shoulder Swings - 20 kg
6 Snatches - 16 kg (6 per arm)
5 Overhead Lunges - 16 kg (5 per leg)
4 50 metre rows (so row 200 metres)
3 Squat Cleans - 16 kg
We had some time to spare, a few of the members seemed like they were running out of steam, I know I was, it was an all girls class and it's hard to make them use heavier weights even though they can handle it, oh well. I asked them to pick a number between 3 and 14, and that's what we'd do again, all at 10 reps this time, 4 people so 4 more exercises.
10 Snatches - 16 kg (5 per arm)
10 Split Stance Squats - 16 kg (10 per leg)
10 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Cleans - 20 kg (5 per side)
Damn these workouts take a while to write down, overall it was very hard. Bonnie, a women who is a cardio machine and almost never gets tired, said how happy she was to see me tired, yeah I deserve that. Glad when it was over!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Today I wanted to go heavy on weighted chinups again, in the past I have felt my form wasn't perfect, I used a little bit on a pre-pull swing to help me get my chin over the bar. Today I took that out by crossing my legs in front of my body, I used the dumbbell as something that'd be in the way if I tried to swing a bit, even a minor little swing can count as a cheat, the new strictor form accounts for the less weight I could handle.
Weighted Chinups - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3........50, 55, 60, 65, 70
Chest Supported Row - 5x5......200 on all sets
For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of kipping pullups, between every set perform 8 inverted rows
So you perform 10 kipping pullups then 8 inverted rows, 9 kipping pullups then 8 inverted rows, all the way to 1 kipping pullup while the rows stat at 8.
Time: 13:45
Incline Curls - 3x10.....25s (10, 8, 6)
I had to use the new belt, which I hated because it digs into my back, it's much stiffer than the old one (which is broken). That caused me to be paranoid, as weighted chins was an exercise I have hurt my back on before, not the chinup up, not even the adding weight just the belt that supports the weight presses on my lower back at an uncomfortable angle. I believe it was all in the head, having my legs slightly in front of me took some of the pressure off actually, so while I felt my lower back, it wasn't pain. I only seldomly use kipping pullups in my pulling routines (they usually show up on conditioning days) but the routine was still hard. 55 kipping pullups and 80 inverted rows, my grip was dead, this was a pulling version of a workout found here.
PS Nigel if you decide to try part 3 of this routine, please read that it's EIGHT inverted rows, not 10 :).
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