Thursday, March 3, 2011


Mike Mahler, Strength and Conditioning coach

Today I decided to join my fusion class, I did this on a regular basis before, and only really can now when it shows up in my schedule, certainly a tough one.

25-20-15 reps of
Squat Cleans - 16 kg
Alternating Swings - 20 kg (50-40-30 total)
Overhead Situps - 16 kg
Row for calories

The a full round of a 12 days of Christmas workout, fusion style (we start at 3, so that's why the numbers are a little different).

14 Turkish Getups - 12 kg (7 per my class hates this one)
13 Split Stance Squats - 16 kg (13 per leg)
12 Clean and Jerks - 16 kg
11 Jump Lunges - 16 kg (one held in front of body, 11 per leg)
10 Burpee Cleans - 20 kg (5 per side)
9 Calorie Row
8 Floor Presses - 16 kg (only had the one 20 kg today)
7 Through the Leg and Over the Shoulder Swings - 20 kg
6 Snatches - 16 kg (6 per arm)
5 Overhead Lunges - 16 kg (5 per leg)
4 50 metre rows (so row 200 metres)
3 Squat Cleans - 16 kg

We had some time to spare, a few of the members seemed like they were running out of steam, I know I was, it was an all girls class and it's hard to make them use heavier weights even though they can handle it, oh well.  I asked them to pick a number between 3 and 14, and that's what we'd do again, all at 10 reps this time, 4 people so 4 more exercises.

10 Snatches - 16 kg (5 per arm)
10 Split Stance Squats - 16 kg (10 per leg)
10 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Cleans - 20 kg (5 per side)

Damn these workouts take a while to write down, overall it was very hard.  Bonnie, a women who is a cardio machine and almost never gets tired, said how happy she was to see me tired, yeah I deserve that.  Glad when it was over!