Thursday, February 3, 2011


Steve Willis
Today is leg day, and the timed portion I actually had a goal time to beat.  17:52 was the time my client got on his version, our versions were the same minus one thing, I am doing front squats and he did back squats.  It's common knowledge front squats are harder, and he is very good at leg movements, so I figured it would be a close call.  Had to start with some heavy movements first.

Stationary Lunges - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3........135, 145, 155, 160, 165

Stationary Lunges - 135x40 (broke down into 4 sets)

For time
25 Squats
20 Front Squats - 135
25 Squats
30 Front Squats - 115
25 Squats
40 Front Squats - 95
25 Squats
Time: 17:48

Leg Extension - 140x50 (broke down into 4 sets)

4 seconds faster, so it was pretty close, I may try this routine another time with back squats to see how that time compares to my front squat version.  My legs were actually screaming the most during the 40 reps with 95, I was trying to move very fast and they weren't liking me for it.  All squats was hamstring to calf, no questions about depth.  The lunges felt pretty good actually, 165 pounds is the most I've done for stationary lunges.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stationary Lunges - 135x40 - is that per leg, or in total?

  3. total steps, broke into sets of 12, 12, 10 and then 8

  4. For my leg session on Thursday I'll be starting with the first two routines, but scaled to 105, not 135.

    Yesterday I made up my training schedule for the whole week and for the third routine I wrote down "Front squats @ 105; max reps to failure" but I didn't put an amrap time or number of sets and now I can't remember what I meant to do!

    I'll be finishing with 50 x leg extensions @ 105lb.

  5. You mean the lunge portion, well if you are going heavy first, whatever that number happens to be, take roughly 80 to 85% of that weight and do that for 40 reps.

  6. My plan for Thursday is:

    Stationary lunges 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
    Staring at 105lb and progressing heavier

    Stationary lunges 40 reps @ 105lb

    Front squats @ 105lb; max reps to failure - no, I don't know what this means either! I might just do this as an amrap 12 or 15, depending on how quickly I get through the first two routines.

    Leg extensions 50 reps @ 105lb resistance

    Your starting point for the first exercise and your weight for the second are both 135; 75% of that - which is what I generally do when I'm copying your weight routines - is 101.25lb. I rounded this up to 105lb.

  7. ohh ok I understand, and ya the front squat thing ya mentioned may be max reps with 105, rest a bit and do it again, not sure how many sets you'd do but we did something like that on our last leg day, part 2 I believe.

  8. Aah, found it:
