Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Everyone knows who this is

Press day, felt good today

DB Shoulder Press - 5, 5, 4, 4, 4..........55s, 60s, 65s, 70s, 70s(3)

For time
50 Bench Press - 135
Everytime you set the bar down, perform 10 pushups
Time: 14:32

Shoulder to Overhead - 25x50s (broke into 4 sets)

Kneeling Rope Pushdowns - 3x10.........80 on all sets

I am pleased I was able to get the 70s on my own, this morning it was mainly females working out so I couldn't go up.  If I did I would have tried the 75s and gotten a hand off, meaning a start from the top which is easier, still happy with how the weights went.  Part 2 was hard, I've done it before and it took me 15:25 back then, so I'm happy with the improvement.  Last time I needed 6 breaks, same with this time so I must have moved a bit a quicker between sets.  Part 3 was interesting, the 50s is a weight I can handle pretty comfortably normally, trying it after part 2 was almost comical my arms barely worked and those 50s felt much heavier.  Good workout!


  1. Hey, why have you used a picture of a 'roid taker? That's not in the spirit of Crossfit!

  2. heh since when am I a crossfitter?

    Besides plenty of athletes do things I don't agree with. Arnold revolutionized bodybuilding, became one of the most successful athletes in a "sport" that was growing bigger and bigger as time went on, he has changed the world of bodybuilding. I may not be a bodybuilder, but he has inspired thousands of people, he started off as a skinny weak boy, I think he deserves some credit.

  3. One of my favourite monster movies of all time!
