Saturday, February 16, 2013

Oly, Core and Mobility

Oh man are my legs sore, I knew I wanted to do some oly lifting today, but push jerks was the only one my legs could really handle, and even then it was affected by them.

Push Jerk

Machine Ab Move
2 sets of 10, don't remember weights
1 set of 20 on another one

Knees to Elbows - 8, 7, 7

about 15 to 20 minutes of stretching.

Push jerks are a poor shoulder exercise, despite what many believe,  if you have a week core, mobility in the shoulders, hips and ankles, and simply lack explosive ability push jerks are not the exercise for you.  I have decent explosive ability, okay shoulder mobility, and a good stabalizing core, but noooo mobility in my hips (or core for that matter) today.  That's why I could only do 4 reps at 175, the soreness also most likely affected my explosion power.  I decided to try the ab machines, they are kind of fun, you can really feel the burn and it made the knees to elbows (which were very strict) much harder.  The stretching felt real good and was much needed.


  1. What type of ab machine did you use? I tried one in England the last time I was visiting, but they didn't do as much for me as the routines I did with you. Of course, perhaps I wasn't using enough resistance.


    That;s what it looked like, I could surprisingly feel the burn, the gym has about 6 of them with slightly different variations. Maybe be nice for a change from time to time.

    1. Yeah, that looks familiar. I probably had it set incorrectly!
