Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Full Body

Once again ditching that split I was on, maybe, we'll see.

Deadlifts (resetting each time)

Alternate Sets
Box Jumps - 3x6....however high the step went
Handstand Pushups - 15, 10, 10

TRX Flies - 10, 7, 7

The 3 sets at 315 for 5 reps resetting simply sucks, 5 reps when you aren't doing touch and go takes a while per set and just hurts, good hurt though.  The box jumps were too easy really, there is another area where I think the boxes are higher and if those aren't hard enough then I'll have to start holding some dumbbells.  I liked how the handstand pushups went, this gym is much busier then I am used too and few know I actually work there so the weird looks I get kipping up into a handstand are priceless.  TRX flies hurt more then usual, but again good hurt.


  1. You seem to be training a lot more often than you were? Getting ready for the Games? :-)

  2. hah that and excitement at a new club.
