Sunday, February 10, 2013

Core and Mobility

Sadly this will be one of the few workouts I do at absolute again, shortly I will be on my way out to new and exciting things.  Sad to leave as it's been like a second home for almost 7 years, but all good things must come to an end.

50 Leg Elevated Situps
40 Plate Russian Twists - 35 lbs (40 per side)
50 Russian Chair Leg Raises - straight leg
40 Decline Situps

Then about 20 to 25 minutes of mobility.


  1. Shit! Does that mean you're done now? I thought we had two weeks and one more session before you left. If I'd known I would have made more of an effort to come in on Friday - sorry! I was hoping to go out with a bang! :-)

  2. Hah no I am not done yet I did give my two weeks notce. How about Friday at 9am again?
