Sunday, March 11, 2012

Upper Body

Wow today I am sore, that snatch workout and 5 sets of 5 on back squats has left almost every muscle between my waist and knees sore, plus my upper back.  I can still do some upper body work today.

Incline DB Flies - 10, 10, 10, 10........35s, 40s, 45s, 50s,
Pushups.........20, 13, 8, 6

3 Rounds, AMRAP in 2 minutes of Wide Grip Pullups
23, 20, 17

Alternate Set
Overhead Rope Extensions - 60(12), 70(15, 12)
Alternate DB Curls - 5, 5, 5.......40s, 45s, 47s

So nothing too crazy, first part burned quite a bit, second part I tried pacing myself and my arms seemed dead by the end of each round so it worked, total of 60 wide-grip pullups sounds pretty good.  I have been using my elbow more lately, with tricep workout and chest work, and so overhead stuff, they seem to be the only things that bother it.  So far it was been alright but occasionally I do still feel it, but just slightly and it's always the muscles I am trying to work that hurt the day after.

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