Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Legs today.

Deadlifts (touch and go)

DB Travelling Lunges (continuous) - 3x16 (per leg).......35s

Alternate Sets
Hamstring Curl - 3x12......70
Leg Extension - 125x12, 140x12-12

Th video shows the last set at 355, I feel like I kept decently good form, the weight seems to fall in from of me a bit but that may be because I don't do touch and go as much anymore.  I only really did for a change, it got to heavy sets at 5 reps.  The travelling lunges required a little explaining, the reps are all continuous, meaning you never stand up between reps with your feet together you always drop right into the next rep.  16 reps also may sound random, but that's how many steps it takes me to get across my gym and back, 16 steps there and 16 back, so 32 total (or 16 per leg).  This was one of the most painful things I have put my legs through recently, the high reps (32 total freaking steps) and the fact that I have to keep it continuous (which at times I couldn't) made it burn like crazy, that one really really hurt.  The last pairing I played with the angles of the machines a bit to get the best range of motion, meant less weight but I really felt the muscles burning, painful but awesome leg day.


  1. Watching your video, it's clear why being short is an advantage for doing deadlifts! I can see why it's easier for me to start with my hips low down than it must be for someone who's nearly a foot taller. From your camera's angle, my range of motion is much greater than mine was.

  2. Hi,
    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?

  3. That;s one of the reasons my sumo deadlift is higher than my conventional, standing in a sumo stance makes me a little bit shorter and therefore a short range of motion. David what is your question?
