Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Full Body

Full Body workout today, more or less.

Power Clean and Push Jerk - 5x5.......135

Power Snatch - 5x5......(2x95), (3x105)

Russian Chair Leg Raises (straight leg) - 3x15

First time going that heavy on an overheard exercise since my injury, 135 definitely on the lighter side for me, all reps were touch and go and I could have gone heavier but I wanted to see how the elbow felt, it felt fine.  power snatches went well too, 95 was little light so I increased it to 105, for 5 touch and go reps it was fine, I wanted to focus on max power.  The leg raises were tough as usual, overall good workout.


  1. When you have two back-to-back routines that rely on somewhat similar mechanics - like c&j and snatches (hip power and overhead strength) - how long would you rest in between? I tend to rest about 5 minutes - is that too long as it would mean my muscles cool down too much?

  2. I honestly never time my rests, I think people get too focussed on being so specific. You have probably heard me say this numerous times, but when we are training I usually say "go when you feel ready", but with some thought behind it.

    For me 5 minutes would be too long between these 2, it was probably closer to 2 to 3, and about similar rest between each set, but nothing set, I listen to my body and go when I feel I can complete the required number of reps at the weight. Something like this is more about weight, are you setting a pr or not, it's not a metcon where you have to move fast. Take your time in the gym, and find out how long a rest should be for you to find out what helps you lift the heaviest weight.

  3. Thanks for the advice. I'm planning on doing a snatch metcon plus a clean and jerk/pull-up metcon tomorrow, so resting is going to be key.
