Saturday, March 17, 2012


Is this a stretch...who knows and who cares
Conditioning, I got the the workout today from a clients friend, he did this 'hero' wod with some modifications, I liked the look of it so I decided to give it a go.  The original calls for a 600 metre run as well, I took that out as this version fits in with my goals more.  I'm not really focussing on conditioning either (in a sense), but they are still fun.

6 Rounds for time
6 Power Cleans - 175 lbs
6 Box Jumps - 30 inches (regional standards)
6 DB Swings - 70 lbs
6 Over the bar Burpees
Time: 21:02

Kipping Pullups - 3x10

That was a tough workout, taxed my breathing and lower back and legs a lot.  The cleans were the hardest part, it was the required weight, and far from my max but they got hard fast, only the first round did I use tough and go, every other round I dropped and reset each time.  The box jumps were never broken really, maybe a second or 2 break between some reps at the top.  Odds are the box jumps would have allowed for opening up the hips in the air, which is quicker, but I decided to use the regional standards, standing up fully on the top then hopping down.  The swings weren't too bad, never broken, 70 pounds isn't really too heavy but using a dumbbell is a bit awkward as my gym doesn't have a kettlebell that heavy.  The over the bar burpees were taxing, not to be confused with bar facing burpees, they were never broken but turned into slow motion at times.  3x10 on kipping pullups was surprisingly hard to hit after that metcon, I was gassed after this.

A video of round 1 and 6 can be seen here.


  1. Nice! (The photo and the workout.) How do you suggest I scale this for me?

  2. Hard to say, I was thinking that earlier. Maybe 11 or 12 risers for the box jumps (def go higher than the usual 24). 55 pound swings which is there definition of 1.5 pood. And maybe 115 or 125 power cleans. Just remember on the swings...because we almost never do them, that the dumbbell needs to be straight above you while you are completely upright, not keeping that lean over that I see often.
