Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bastard Challenge

I got this idea (or challenge) from a client, he got it from menshealth in the uk I believe.  The test is simple, perform what they call a 'bastard' as many times as possible in a minute.  A bastard is basically a burpee but with some subtle changes, one you don't have to clap overhead, and 2 your feet need to come at least 6 inches off the floor, which is why you see me kick my feet up when I jump.  Here is my video.

Total score of 25 'bastards'.  That puts me in first place, tied with 2 others, but upon watching the videos, others form certainly seem to be questionable.  A lot of people aren't coming close to there chest touching the floor, I know my chest did, at 35 seconds you'll hear my spit....damn piece of carpet or something got in my mouth.  What I'm guilty of, and what many others are too is not lowering that low into the squat, you see my nearly drop into the pushup.  Other than that I think my form wasn't too bad, I saw one other personal trainer get complimented on his form from menshealth and he was doing a similar thing.

Here is the list of the others scores (my client got 19).

Overall I am happy, and other than being 6'3 (sucking moving that frame up and down) this is my wheelhouse, I'm a sprinter, so these fast paced 'tests' are my strength, having said that, I think this is a poor test of fitness.  I could have kept going at a similar pace, but only stopped because of the time.  Fun though, I decided to do it and 2 minutes later did it, no real prep, glad I didn't taste that sushi again.