Saturday, January 8, 2011


Eric Magee
Conditioning, and my return to exercise after my rest week, and boy did it feel good slash hurt like a son of a bitch.  The routine was a personalized version of a 12 days of christmas routine, I have performed a routine like this once before over a year ago, my time was just over 35 minutes I think, one of my clients recently performed this routine, which can be found here;

I wanted to make it tougher, and I believe it worked as as my time was slower, here is the version I performed.

1 x Pullup
2 x Toe to Bars
3 x Hang Power Cleans - 135
4 x Jump Lunges (4 per leg)
5 x KB Snatches - 24 kg (5 per arm)
6 x Burpees
7 x Situps
8 x Box Jumps - 24 inches
9 x Deadlifts  - 135
10 x Pushups
11 x Shoulder to Overhead - 135
12 x Front Squats - 135
Time: 40:54

12 rounds, with them getting progressively longer as you add in a new exercise at one rep higher then go back down the ladder.  Thank God front squats was only one set, 135 isn't rediculously heavy but at that point you are so fatigued it sucked, plus I decided to go shoeless for some reason, they felt weird with no shoes.  The shoulder to overhead sucked too, but those last 2 were the one only 2 that were broken up.  The snatches I took a break between arms, and arguably was the hardest one, I decided to up the weight to 24 kg instead of my initially planned 20 kg, plus I had to do 8 sets of it (or 40 per arm).  The burpees became painful as well, as did the hang power cleans, everything else was time consuming and energy wasting.  It felt good to get back into the swing of things, this is a routine I will perform in one years time.


  1. Shoeless? I swear you do this crazy shit to see if I'll copy you.

  2. You realize most crossfitters workout shoeless, it's there comfort zone, not crazy shit.
