Sunday, January 2, 2011


Goals, this post is my goals for the new year, hopefully to be acheived before 2012 hits and mankind no longer exists, heh nah I don't believe what the Mayans predicted, but here it goes.

Weight - 190 (while my bodyfat remains below 10%)

Decline Bench Press - 265 for 2 reps
Cable Row - 250 for 2 reps (maxes the weight stack)
Military Press - 155 for 2 reps
Get 225 pounds overhead
Weighted Chin up - BW plus 100 pounds for a single
Front Squat - 265 for 2 reps
Deadlift - 315 for 3 good reps, if my form is shit then I won't even bother
20 BW chinups in a row

I am deciding to leave out explosive lifts, I realize I can't go for a true max at this point without bumber plates, so until I have access to those I will have to put clean and jerks and snatches on hold, I will still have them in my routines just not heavy.  This is a good combo or pushing and pulling, and upper and lower body, so hopefully I can achieve these goals in the future.


  1. There is a specific reason. I want it to be a weight I can always get. One rep maxes require a lot of focus as the smallest of things could go wrong to make you fail the lift, and some days you just don't have it in you, doesn't mean you aren't strong enough just means that particular day you decided to go for a 1RM one little factor caused you to fail. 2 reps drops that a little bit, I was tempted to put 3 but I think 2 is good enough.

  2. That makes sense. I wasn't suggesting that you should be going for just one rep, but I was curious because that's what I've seen people discussing on the Crossfit site.

  3. It's become a bit more common lately, btw do you have any goals you'd want to set for the next year? I'd be very curious to read them.

  4. I hadn't really thought about my own goals. My times for the Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve sessions with you took me by surprise. I hadn't realised how much progress I'd made without consciously trying to (I knew I'd been working harder, but I hadn't redone any year-old routines for comparison.)

    My weight has been consistently at 140 for the past year, even though my muscle weight has obviously increased. I guess that means I've dropped some body fat. I'd like to lower my bf a bit more; my plan to do more conditioning might help with that.

    As for increasing the weight I can handle - which I'd also like to be able to do - I'm hoping that will happen naturally as I continue to train the way I have since August. I'm not aiming for any particular numbers, though.

    I started coming to the gym during the week last summer because I was bored with the Bowflex. As long as I can continue to look forward to training every day, I'll be happy!

  5. By the way, do you have a specific plan for accomplishing your goals? Or is it just a matter of challenging yourself throughout the year so your numbers rise?

  6. More or less I plan on continuing what I am doing, I like trying new and exciting techniques to use in the gym, and see if they work. I stand by the philosophy that no routine is perfect forever or for everyone, the individual needs to find what works best for them....that's why a pet peeve of mine is when people say "Im going to do Brad Pitt's workout so Ill look like him".

  7. That's pretty much my plan, too. Things seem to have worked out well over the past few months, so I'll just tweak things as I progress.

    Re: Brad Pitt - I want to look like Spealler, but there's no frigging way I'll be training like him!

  8. heh speal has admitted he only trains once a day, and increases it to 2 times a day closer to competition, not like some of the others who train multiple times a day all year round.
