Spender Hendel |
Update on back, while it's still tight, I had a massage yesterday and her opinion was that while it loosened what it was suppose to (the deep tissue massage) it tighted up another spot, my old injury. When this heals she believes I will be back to normal with no back pain, so I guess I just have to wait. Today is suppose to be leg day, and that's the main day where my back injury would get it the way. I was going to skip it, but decided to do something fun that only included body weight. I went out to a track at my old high school and did a leg circuit, the kick was that I was doing all this in a foot of snow, my winter boots, 2 pairs of workout pants, and 4 shirts. My face got numb, my hands got numb (even with gloves) my legs did not, they got warm. My car said minus 12 going in, but it was the wind that sucked. The workout was simple;
7 Rounds for time
40 Travelling Lunges (20 per leg)
20 Jump Squats
Time: 20:13
I was going to do 5 rounds, but that got done too quick, then I was going to do AMRAP 20, but I was 5 squats away from 7 whole rounds so decided to leave it at that. My legs got very heavy dragging them through the snow, it's not a long leg routine not like what my leg days normally like, but considering I was going to take the day off I am happy about it. Damn walking back to my car sucked, 2 mini hills were hard on there own, I am used to working out in the cold from my college days. People may think I'm weird for doing a workout like that, but personally I think it's weird when I hear the excuse "it's too cold to workout".
Jesus - you need to be drug tested. I'm sure you're not thinking right. In the blood snow?!