Sunday, June 3, 2012

Full Body

Arms, especially shoulders were sore from helping my brother move into his new apartment yesterday, meh.

2 Rounds for time
20 Pullups - (STRICT)
50 Pushups
Time - 8:17

Power Cleans (touch and go)

Client does above workout but for some reason uses kipping over strict, beats my old time by getting 9:44
I point out that kipping pullups aren't the same exercise, therefore he did a different workout.
He replied "Yeah, like kipping saved me 1 minute 15 seconds. Nice try, kid!"
Me, in my head knowing that is really does, decide to just do the workout again with kipping.  Literally 10 seconds before my first pullup, I decide to use strict I know what a body is capable of when it has a time to beat, and despite being strong on kipping pullups, knew I'd still get a good time.
New Score......close to 3 minutes faster than old.....and 1 minute 27 seconds faster than his KIPPING version.  I probably should have waited for him to get his time tattooed on his arm like he claimed....would have been even sweeter then :).

The power cleans were random, the numbers look a little different as I used the 40 pound bar, only one left.  The last set I thought I'd get 3 before I started, after the second one I didn't even come close to a third, I managed the deadlift portion.  Good workout.

Also I am not surprised I was so much faster on that routine, when you have a time to beat, which this time I did, you push yourself harder.


  1. So why were you so slow in the first attempt? ;-)

  2. sometimes when I'm not shooting for a specific time, I can be guilty of not pushing myself as hard, might have just been one of those days.
