Saturday, June 9, 2012


Aja Barto
I was going to take 2 days off to rest and recover, especially my legs, those cleans, deadlifts and squats I had done weren't feeling too nice yesterday and today.  Buut, I got bored today and decided to do a quick lung burner.  It's quick compared to my usual workouts with the rest and all, but in the crossfit world this is considered a medium to long workout.

For time
Clean and Jerk - 185 (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Over the Bar Burpees (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)
C2B Kipping Pullups (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)
Over the Bench Jumps - 30 inches (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)
Time - 17:58

So it's a 5 round workout, round one you do the first number in brackets, round 2 you do the second, and so on.  This was a fun but challenging workout.  The clean and jerks were the lowest overall number, but 185 is not light it was probably the hardest of all exercises.  Each one I dropped and reset as I was trying to pace myself.  Even though it's minor that little lateral hop does seem to make that style of burpees harder than the regular ones, they were never broken but turned into slow motion.  The C2B pullup I don't do often, but were harder that I thought they'd be.  Every round but the last was broken, and most rounds broken into singles, again not really due to them being that hard but trying to pace myself.  The bench jumps were the easiest but did raise my heart rate.  This was a fun effective lunge burner, as well as my legs and arms taking a decent beating.

Parts of the workout can be found here.