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Complex (1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats)
DB Snatches for time
*Perform 10 total reps, so 5 per arm for time, you must alternate arms each rep.
50 lb - 29 seconds
60 lb - 32 seconds
70 lb - 36 seconds
80 lb - 1:06
90 lb - 1:46
I think I've done something similar to the first complex before, but not that one exactly. I was going to stop at 215 but wanted to see how power cleaning 225 felt again, still hurts, and the front squat portion was getting difficult as well but I do enjoy these kind of complexes where you can go heavy. The second part was inspired by event 3 of the crossfit regionals, really the only part was how it was done and the number of reps, as I had to switch arms each time. The first 3 sets were basically continuous, but with the 80 I started to take a short break every two reps, and same deal with the 90. I am happy that the 90 went as easy as it did, as I believe that is my pr with snatches but for a single, I could probably do the 100 lb now. I say easy in relative terms as it was far from easy like the first sets were, and as the drop in time indicates. Good workout to get my ass moving again.
The final set of the db snatches is on my youtube channel.