Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Full Body

Today was one of those workouts where I just wasn't into it, they will always happen but I dislike when they do.

Deadlifts (touch and go, no straps)

Mixed Grip Pullups - 11, 9, 8, 7

Plate Pushups - 20, 15, 13, 14

This workout showed a weakness, grip strength on deadlifts.  I could probably manage 10 reps with 315 if I chose to use straps, but the fact that I was doing touch and go made it difficult, on each set of the 315 it was the grip that prevented me from getting a 5th rep, not my legs or back.  I will try and correct this.  That's the first time doing mixed grip pullups, I alternated which was overhand and which was underhand each set, the one side felt more awkward but I didn't mind them, the hand that is supinated (underhand) seemed to take on more of the work.  Plate pushups are like true pushups, you have 2 plates beside eachother and your hands rest on them instead of the ground.  I was still able to touch my chest to the floor, but the increase in range of motion made them a lot harder, I used the 45 lb bumper plates, not sure how thick they are though.

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