Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Power Snatches (resetting each time)
Front Squats - 3x5......185
LB Back Squats
Overall this felt like a good solid leg workout. I kept the snatches as power snatches, never resorting to a split, they felt strong and pretty fast, maybe a press out or two on the last 2 sets but not too bad. I'm resetting my front squat, I'll add weight to that each time, I'm picking 3x5 for progression, a popular one. The back squats I used the low bar position, and man 8 reps sucks, especially the last two sets. Good workout still.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Full Body
Trap Bar Deadlifts (touch and go, no straps)
3 Rounds for time
10 Ab Rollouts
12 Weighted Situps - 35 lbs
Time: 6:03
Alternate Sets
Pushdowns - 80x10, 100x10, 120x10
DB Curls - 3x10......35s
Still trying to improve that weakness of mine, deadlifts touch and go style without straps. The trap bar doesn't allow a mixed grip, which helps, but it was basically the same weight when I did conventional this style but couldn't get 5 reps on all sets, so maybe an improvement it's hard to tell with a different movement. Either way my grip was getting close to failing at the sets at 310, and it ripped a small callous off, at least a small one. The second part a good ab ripper, heavy but quick. This is some definate overlap from yesterday to todays routine but I only really felt it on the arm sets, overall good workout.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Full Body
Took the last few days off more to de-load, I felt ready to go today though.
Clean and Jerk (touch and go)
2 Rounds for time
20 Pullups
50 Pushups
Time: 10:59
The clean and jerk was all squat cleans and push jerks up till the last set when I did a split jerk for the last 2 reps of it. I am happy I got up to 185, my max squat clean for 3 reps in 195, so it was close to that. The hardest part was holding on, the grip was close to losing it a couple times and that makes the clean portion the most difficult aspect of it, my legs can handle the front squat and the jerks weren't too bad. The last part I completely made up, I wanted a roughly 10 minute arm burner and that seemed to work well. Good workout back into it.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Full Body
Today was one of those workouts where I just wasn't into it, they will always happen but I dislike when they do.
Deadlifts (touch and go, no straps)
Mixed Grip Pullups - 11, 9, 8, 7
Plate Pushups - 20, 15, 13, 14
This workout showed a weakness, grip strength on deadlifts. I could probably manage 10 reps with 315 if I chose to use straps, but the fact that I was doing touch and go made it difficult, on each set of the 315 it was the grip that prevented me from getting a 5th rep, not my legs or back. I will try and correct this. That's the first time doing mixed grip pullups, I alternated which was overhand and which was underhand each set, the one side felt more awkward but I didn't mind them, the hand that is supinated (underhand) seemed to take on more of the work. Plate pushups are like true pushups, you have 2 plates beside eachother and your hands rest on them instead of the ground. I was still able to touch my chest to the floor, but the increase in range of motion made them a lot harder, I used the 45 lb bumper plates, not sure how thick they are though.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Leg ish
Didn't want to be inside much today, so decided to just do a very quick workout that would fatigue me.
Death by Power Snatch - 115
8 Rounds completed plus 4 extra
HB Back Squat - 185x3, 205x3, 225x3
LB Back Squat - 185x3, 205x3, 225x3
That first part was how every 'death by' is, easy as hell at the beginning then it gets hard fast, real fast. I wanted a weight that isn't light, but isn't heavy either, 115 fit the bill perfectly. I remained unbroken on the reps on round 1 through 6, but on the round of 7 I needed to break them, and when they start being broken you know you aren't going to last much longer. I just barely completed the 8th rep in the minute, and barely even got 4 the last bit there, but my legs and lungs were feeling it. The second part was kind of a test, I've done that kind of thing with front squats and HB back squats, so I wanted to try this. I will probably try it again as the pairing seemed to work, I then went for a nice hike, good holidays Monday.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Upper Body
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Neal Maddox |
Alternate Sets
Rack Bench Press (8 holes)
Cable Row
Alternate Sets
Handstand Pushups Off step - 5, 4, 4
C2B Chinups - 9, 7, 7
Incline DB Flies - 40sx10, 45sx10, 50sx10
Reverse Lateral Raises - 20sx10, 25sx10, 27sx10
First time doing rack bench press in a while, felt good especially the drop set. I also haven't done handstand pushups off steps in while, doing so increases the range of motion and greatly makes the exercise harder, hence the low number, but I do like that exercise when I don't feel like using a barbell or dumbbell.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
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Michelle Letendre |
For time
40 HB Back Squats - 185
R-Band Pistol Squats - black band, 3x5 per leg
That one really hurt, the lunges took more out of my legs than I had predicted, but the timed portion really hurt, all reps were hamstring to calf nothing else. After it was done my legs barely had any go for the pistol squats, high rep back squats simply suck in in every sense of it.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Upper Body
My hamstrings have not been this sore in a long time, the deads have made it horrible to try and pick up anything close to the ground, sooo upper body today.
DB Bench Press
Chest Supported Row
Alternate Sets
Dips - 15, 12, 12, 10
Neutral Grip Pullups - 10, 9, 7, 7
Ab Rollouts - 3x10
It sometimes surprises me that I can do little to no chest work over the course of my elbow injury and come back to it and be able to lift the same weights. The 90s were heavy, but I could probably still do the hundreds for a rep or 2. I don't do chest supported rows that often but they allow you to really focus on the back so I liked it. Overall good workout!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Full Body
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Julie |
Romanian Deadlifts
Decline Bench Press
Pullups - Cluster sets, 10 seconds between cluster, rest as needed between sets
5-5-5, 4-4-4, 4-4-4
I fully could have gone heavier on the deadlifts, but I wanted to focus on good form and stretching those hamstrings out well, it worked and I felt it the right way. Decline bench went well again, the shock of dropping 40 pounds from the 225 lift made 185 feel lighter than it did the first time, that's why I got 10. Only the second time I have done cluster sets but by the last cluster each time I am barely able to finish, 10 seconds just isn't long enough to rest, but that is the point.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
I wasn't planning on working out today, but got inspired after watching the crossfit regionals live. So decided to tackle what some call the hardest mental crossfit workout there is, fran. There isn't much special about the workout, but the light weights make it a sprint style workout, but 90 total reps performed at a sprint pace can do some damage, I had been putting off doing the workout for a bit, so even with my cough, I gave it a shot.
21-15-9 reps for time
Thrusters - 95
Kipping Pullups
Time: 6:50
Although I have completed workouts way heavier than this and way longer than this, I don't recall the last time I felt so much pain upon the finishing of this workout. I have a video of the entire thing, and the pain I felt is somewhat evident. After the last pullup I was down, but got up, gave my usual thumbs up to the camera and shut it off, what it doesn't show is me going and lying down for what 5 to 10 minutes afterwards while the room spun. The room started spinning for the entire last round, I just did my best to ignore it. I don't even know why it hurt so bad, but my legs built up with lactic acid quick, and my grip was losing power, but my heart was beating out of my chest. I had a coughing fit the entire car ride home. It was a pure mental attack, knowing what some people can get on this I wanted to leave nothing left, and I did that I feel, it left me done, just under 7 minutes of work and I was simply done....what the shit is that? I doubt I'll be sore anywhere, and this is the first time I called it quits after such a short workout, but wow, what a fitness test.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Full Body
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Lindsay Smith |
LB Back Squats
Incline Bench Press
175x4 (if had spot would have gone for 5)
Decline Bench Press
Wide Neutral Grip Cable Row
If my low bar back squat for 3 reps has improved so much, it only makes sense that it also improved for 5 reps, it sure did, 275 was my very recent 3 rep max, but is now my 5, it was good the low bar position no longer feels very awkward like before. My elbow seems next to healed, so I tried the exercise that started it all, the barbell bench press, didn't feel a thing. It looks random, and it was a fellow trainer was training an old client of mine who has an ego problem so I decided to remind him that even though he's bigger than me, I'm still stronger :). Having not benched with a barbell in months, and to come back and decline press 225 I am very pleased with, it was heavy but completed with solid form. Great workout feeling!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Full Body
Deadlifts (resetting)
Ab Roller - 3x8
I haven't gone heavy on thrusters in a while, or really done thrusters all that much in a long while. I am very pleased with how they went, the sets up to 155 were all continuous, meaning as the bar dropped down I went right back into the front squat. The last set at 175, none of the reps were like that, and the weight was just too heavy on the front squat portion to generate enough speed to drive the weight overhead for the last rep. Resetting on deadlifts isn't easy, makes them a lot harder for that matter, I did not use straps overall it was tough for both my legs and back and grip. Ab rollouts hurt, it seemed like I was still sore from the last time I them, over a week ago, they were tough.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Upper Body
Alternate Sets
DB Bench Press
Cable Row
5 Rounds for time
10 Pullups
20 Pushups
Time: 10:34
Alternate Sets
R-Band Pushdowns (grey) - 16, 10, 10
Preacher Curls - 50.....10, 8, 8
I have done that body weight upper body circuit before in a faster time, but that was fresh I wanted to see how it would be after 5 sets of 10 of a chest and back exercise. Certainly made a difference, I am heavier now than when I did that routine before, but still only a minute slower isn't too bad. Had I done 5 sets of 5 of the first few exercises then I bet I would have been quicker, but that fatigued my muscles quicker. Overall good workout!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Lets do some front squats
Hamstring Curl - 70x10-10, 90x10
Front Squats
275x1 (pr)
Tension Back Squats
Not sure whether or not I was going to go for a new 1RM, right around the 200 pound mark I decided I would. I made slightly larger jumps this time so I could get up to weight quicker and not waste too many sets on the lighter weights. I approached 265 and after the left felt confident it seemed to go up quicker than before, as it was my current 1RM. I decided to go for a pr, something that is very difficult on front squats for me as I have done them more than any other quad dominant leg exercise out there. I have tried 275 before, I literally went straight down, didn't even have the strength to come up an inch. This 275 was close, but still completed with full range of motion, which makes me happy. The tension back squats are kind of obvious, you never fully stand up so you keep that tension on the legs, less weight required but they burned.
The last 3 sets of the front squats can be found here.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Decided to work on some power stuff today, nothing too intense metabolic wise or even muscle fatigue wise, just power.
Split Snatch
160x1 (pr)
Push Jerk
The video above shows the last set of push jerks at 205, slightly odd angle but I was just using my cell phone and not camera. This is one of the last exercises I worry about bothering my elbow when going heavy, and for the most part it was fine. I say most part because I did feel it a bit, but I always do when doing this exercise, it's just not a elbow (or joint) friendly exercise, as the bar is to be caught with locked arms. This is also a pr for 3 reps, my one rep max on push jerks is 215 so I am pretty happy I was able to do with after not going heavier than 135 in months. The final rep I nearly lost it but kept it controlled enough to complete the set of 3. The split snatches is also a pr by 5 pounds, the failed attempt at 155 is only because it hit my knees and slowed down too much. Once again, this most likely would be a successful lift in a crossfit competition, but for olympic lifting....I'm not sure but don't think so.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Upper Body
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Azadeh Boroumand |
Incline DB Bench Press
Pullups - 12, 10, 8, 8, 7
That's all, and even that wiped me out. The sickness I got is all congestion in my head and throat, nothing too bad but enough to make my energy lacking and the weights feel tougher. It wasn't evident on the bench press, but it was on the pullups, hopefully I feel better tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Today my abs are so flipping sore it hurts to sneeze or even sit out of bed, I blame the 40 total ab rollouts I did. Anywho, leg day.
Hamstring Curl - 70x10, 80x10, 90x8
LB Back Squats
295x3 (pr)
315x1 (pr)
Continuous Travelling Lunges (per leg) - 40sx10, 45sx10, 50sx10
I read somewhere that hamstring curls before some heavy squatting in a good way to loosen you up, it seemed to work pretty well today. Mere weeks after setting a 20 pound pr for 3 reps on back squats, I set another, and again 20 pounds for 3 reps. 295 was pushing it, I had someone watch me to confirm my depth, all reps were good, smooth but fucking heavy. I then decided to see what 3 plates a side would feel like, or 315 pounds, turns out it's also fucking heavy, what a shock! I did get one rep at proper depth, I tried a second but failed, I basically dropped straight to the pins. Nevertheless, 315 pounds is a nice 1RM for my low bar back squat. The continuous lunges did have a turnaround at 10 steps, but I kept moving, they really hurt. Overall very happy with this leg day and the pr's.
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