Friday, April 8, 2011


Today was a different one, mainly because it took place in my backyard.  Cleaning out the work room I found an old bar and some plates that I used to use way back in the day, I decided no point in throwing it out I could create a workout.  The bar was 20 pounds, I had a 25 and a 10 pound plate, so in total 90 pounds.  The workout doesn't look too crazy but boy it caught me off guard.

3 Rounds for time
10 Ground to Overhead - 90
10 Floor Press/Leg raise - 90
10 Thrusters - 90
10 Back Squats - 90
10 Hang Squat Cleans - 90
10 Travelling Lunges - 90 (5 per leg)
Time: 28:45

For time
50 Burpees
Time: 4:48

Wow that sucked more than I thought it would, the floor press, back squats and lunges were never broken, the rest were, even on set one.  Looking at it I figured it was leg intensive, turns out my shoulders took a brunt of the work.  180 reps of crap, but felt good when I was done.  The ground wasn't damp so I did the workout barefoot, temperature was about 7 or 8 so it wasn't really cold at all, felt nice to do a workout outside again.  If anyone chooses to do this workout, the only equipment allowed is the 90 pound barbell, no squat rack, no bench, nothing.  The 50 burpees was more to extend the workout (done in my basement), last time I did that was after a row workout, and my time was 5:25, so I am happy with improvement.

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