Monday, April 11, 2011


Pushing day had to be cut short for a reason you'll soon read about, I did manage to get the heavy portion in.

Push Press - 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2..........135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195(1)

DB Bench Press - 80s(5), 85s(5), 90s (5, 5, 4)

Cable Flies - 5x10........50 on all sets

On the last set of bench press when I brought the weights down and to my legs one slipped and fell to the side, I let go as soon as I could but it had already rotated my wrist far beyond what it's suppose to do.  It felt like I had just broken my arm, very painful.  The flies were angry flies lol, only thing that didn't hurt.  Dips, pushups, even holding 35 pound dumbbells (which is light for me) to go overhead was not possible, so I had no choice I had to cut the workout short.  I was planning on taking a rest week from the weights after this cycle anyways, I think I'll just bump it up to now, give my wrist a chance to heal so I don't make it worse and do permanent damage.  On the plus I was happy with how the push presses went, been some time since I have done those for heavy and I was able to go right back up to a decent weight, plus with yesterday hitting a nice pr I don't mind a break from the weights.  I've done that in the past and by the end I am always itching to get back at it and feel great when I do, my wrist is forcing me to now.


  1. Shit, when did that happen? You looked fine at 4 this afternoon.

  2. heh my arm was wrapped up I was just hiding it under my jacket. It's gotten progressively worse, Kayla looked at it and thinks it might actually be broken, grr that would annoy me just a tad, tomorrow I'll know for sure.

  3. If it's just a sprain and - hopefully - not a break - I have a wrist support you can borrow. It has a small brace in it that stops your wrist from bending back.

    Hope it's not a break. Let me know how it goes.
