Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Workout from hell, for a few reasons, one the workout itself was challenging but two by the time I got around to this the gym was muggy as hell, the kind where all the floors and walls are even sweating.  So my workout was sweaty too.  This workout I wanted to try a unique idea, 135 on the barbell at all times and try a variation of different stuff, but that 135 stays the same, here is what did.

Reverse Lunges - 4x6..........135

Step ups - 4x5.......135

For time
100 Front Squats (to parallel) - 135
Time: Go fuck yourself.....errr I mean 17:30

Leg Extensions - 3x12......200

The first 2 parts were tough, I was sweating already but that was the damn muggy air.  Part 3 can go.....well I don't need to say it twice.  I wanted speed on my squats so I went to risers, or to parallelish.  Well that speed didn't last too long, I believe it actually took 10 sets and there is no doupt I could have done it faster had the air in the gym not been so thick.  One of those workouts where you just can't wait for it to be over, I was sweating a lot and drank a lot of water.  If I ever decide to do that workout again, (the 100 front squats) it won't be for a while.


  1. Haha, sounds like you had a miserable workout :P Great job for keeping at it though, you did amazing!

  2. aw thanks Em, it wasn't the most fun but sure was glad to be done.

  3. 100 front squats @ 135 in 17:30? Holy shit - I did 50 @ 125 in 15:02! Good job!

  4. Thanks, to be fair to you you're version was lower as I did this to parallel on purpose, either way it would be a tough workout.
