Monday, April 25, 2011


Decided to give my boxing day routine a shot, last time I performed this routine in 21:15, and more often than not when I have a time I am trying to beat (like today) I push myself harder.

For time
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
40 Box Jumps (24 inches)
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
40 Bench Supported Lateral Jumps (40 per side)
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
40 Over the Bench Jumps (40 total)
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
40 Jump Lunges (40 per leg)
Time: 16:51

5 Rounds, each for time of
150 metre row
Time: 0.29, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28, 0.26

Legs Elevated Ab Move - 3x10

That's quite an improvement from last time so I am very pleased with that.  Last time was the day after Christmas so possibly my energy wasn't quite the same, but I don't recall feeling fatigued.  I think the improvement is based on musch shorter rests, plus when I have a time I am trying to beat I always do better.  My legs were shot by the end, the jump lunges may have actually taken the longest I'm not sure, either way I am happy with my improved time.  The row intervals I wanted to keep a steady pace, the last one I guess I really wanted it over it, my speed was above 12 mph to above 13 mph for the last one.  Good workout.


  1. I might give this a go again, too. Last time I did this I used a standard bench for the otb jumps, but I'll try it with at least 22". That's one hell of an improvement, though - great job!

  2. When you did the over the box jumps on Saturday you had lots of clearance I seriously think you can do this workout with a 24 inch box, it's your choice but I think it would go okay. And thanks it felt good/hurt when I finished.

  3. Aww, you look so cute on the erg ;) Your workout was very impressive Paul, good job! You are definitely superman!

  4. I'll certainly try a few reps @ 24" before I start. It's a matter of confidence, not ability. Mind you, I am a little worried about fatigue coming into play in the later reps - 40 @ 24" is a lot!

  5. I did start working out early em, at tha age rowing came naturally lol.

    That is true, the over the box jumps comes up near the end, it's your choice. For me it's not actually the height at 24 inches, the width of the box is what would trip me up.

  6. "the width of the box is what would trip me up". Is that supposed to boost my confidence? You're 11 inches taller than me, and I think that's all in your legs!

  7. No what I mean is you got no problem getting the height but just need to remember to jump far enough, just try a couple reps and you'll get the confidence too.

  8. If I lose my teeth, you're getting my dental bill!
