Thursday, April 12, 2012

Full Body

First workout in a bit, took a little time off for reasons that are small, but back at it today with a full body workout.

Trap Bar Deadlifts (reset)

Alternate sets
Incline DB Bench Press - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.......50s, 55s, 60s, 65s, 70s
C2B Neutral Grip Pullups - 10, 7, 7, 7, 7

Simple but tough, resetting is much harder than touch and go, having said that I did stop at 350 with trap bar deadlifts touch and go style, so I am pretty pleased I was able to get up to 340 resetting.  It was close by the end and resetting really does hurt more, I was a bit worried my form faltered but I didn't take a video, I may have completely done okay.  I am also pleased to have gotten up to the 70s for 10 reps, it was tough, but I should mention my elbow felt nothing, not a thing, awesome.