Saturday, April 28, 2012

Full Body

Decided to hit Diane again, old time being 13 minutes flat.

21-15-9 reps for time
Deadlifts - 225
Handstand Pushups
Time: 8:32

Box Jumps
30 inches x5
32 inches x5
34 inches x5
36 inches x5
38 inches x5
40 inches x5

This is the most pleased I have been with a workout in a while, that is a massive pr, 4 minutes and 28 seconds to be exact.  The handstand pushups were the harder of the 2, but better than last time as I am stronger, although heavier.  But in the end the reason for such a high increase is my deadlifts, my deadlifts are  a lot better than before when I did this and that part of the workout today was way easier, I got 15 right off the bat, and the last round was unbroken for them.  What pleases me even more was this was the exact same workout performed as the first workout for the crossfit regionals, which has taken the top 45 to 50 athletes in each region and made them complete this workout.  I didn't come in last in any of the regions, especially the Canada west one where I came 28th of 36, may not seem too high but considering about 1000 compete in each region to try and get to the regionals, I am pretty pleased.  The box jumps were for fun, and they seemed to go well.  A diane video and video of the last set of box jumps can be found here;


  1. Fuck! That's one hell of a PR - great job! And the box jumps? Well, that's just crazy!

  2. That was the most happy I'd been post workout in a while, felt great, handstand pushups still suck though.

    1. At least you can stand on your head without passing out.

    2. you ever give though about trying them again? Also, what happened to learning to jump rope this year?
