Sunday, April 29, 2012
Random workout
Today was random stuff, I'm not going to bother laying it out like I usually do as I don't really care to see how I progress with this stuff. I started with some ab rollouts and cable pull aparts. Then went onto some strict knees to elbows and shoulder dislocates, and ended with some cable woodchops and some lengthy work on the overhead squat, which is a major weakness of mine, I won't even post what I was using as it's so low, while I don't like the overhead squat, as I feel it's a poor leg builder and just places your shoulders in an awkward angle, I don't like looking at workouts and saying I can't do it because of a certain movement.
I also went for a long hike and wound up at some giant sand quarry, no doupt I wasn't suppose to be there but scaling a maybe 3 or 4 story sand hill gets your heart rate up (getting down on the other hand was flipping fun), combined with 'Diane' yesterday I am flipping sore right now, but all good sore.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Full Body
Decided to hit Diane again, old time being 13 minutes flat.
21-15-9 reps for time
Deadlifts - 225
Handstand Pushups
Time: 8:32
Box Jumps
30 inches x5
32 inches x5
34 inches x5
36 inches x5
38 inches x5
40 inches x5
This is the most pleased I have been with a workout in a while, that is a massive pr, 4 minutes and 28 seconds to be exact. The handstand pushups were the harder of the 2, but better than last time as I am stronger, although heavier. But in the end the reason for such a high increase is my deadlifts, my deadlifts are a lot better than before when I did this and that part of the workout today was way easier, I got 15 right off the bat, and the last round was unbroken for them. What pleases me even more was this was the exact same workout performed as the first workout for the crossfit regionals, which has taken the top 45 to 50 athletes in each region and made them complete this workout. I didn't come in last in any of the regions, especially the Canada west one where I came 28th of 36, may not seem too high but considering about 1000 compete in each region to try and get to the regionals, I am pretty pleased. The box jumps were for fun, and they seemed to go well. A diane video and video of the last set of box jumps can be found here;
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Upper Body
Upper Body day today
Incline DB Piston Bench Press
50sx8 (per side)
Wide Neutral Grip Cable Row
Alternate Set
Dips - 3x12
Neutral Side to Side Pullups - 10, 8, 8
Incline piston presses felt tough, I'm surprised by such a drastic drop from the 65s to 70s, but the 65s were just completed. The rows felt good, and that is also the first time doing dips in a while, they were all full range of motion, I didn't actually think I'd get 12 reps on all 3 sets, I probably could have gotten more too but my elbow felt fine. The side to side pullups are simple, grab the v-bar cable row thing, put it over a pullup bar and when you pull yourself up you bring your head to the one side of the bar, they really burned.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Posterior Chain
Felt like doing some posterior chain work, just for the hell of it.
DB Russian Swings
Deadlifts (all sets resetting)
I have never gone for a heavier ish set of swings before, using a dumbbell is a little uncomfortable on the hands but I actually didn't mind going a bit heavy. The last set with the 90 was pretty tough but I probably could have gone heavier, if I choose to do this again and I max out at the 100 then I'll switch to crossfit style swings and not russian. The deadlift was the first time I have gone for a heavy single in a while, I wanted to test it 2 ways. I have never gone heavier with conventional that 405 when not using straps, so I wanted to see if I could match it despite not focussing on max strength lately, and I wanted to see if I could do it while not fresh. 405 started to slip, but I clearly locked it out using a mixed grip, so that was good I could walk back up to my old strength number and still complete it. Secondly, the swings are also a posterior chain movement, but I still got to that 4 plates a side number. Good workout!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Full Body
Full Body workout today
Power Snatches(touch and go)
Partial Back Squats (11 holes)
Alternate Sets
Handstand Pushups -10, 8, 8, 8, 8
Bounce Box Jumps - ended at 30 inchesx10 (still 5 sets)
The snatches were kind of fun, I kept them all at touch and go which for this seems to be harder than resetting as 135 for 3 I can do if I reset. I decided I do not like partial back squats, I don't even feel them in my legs, I'll stick with full range or maybe box squats. First time doing handstand pushups in a while, on most of the sets I could probably have gotten more than the number but I wanted it to be yet another test for my elbow, and it felt fine. Good overall workout
Friday, April 20, 2012
Full Body
Full Body workout
Step Ups (per leg)
Alternate Sets
Cable Bench Press - 60x10, 80x10, 90x10, 100x10, 110x10
Cable Row - 120x10, 130x10, 140x10, 150x10, 160x8
DB Military Press - 35sx10, 40sx10, 40sx10
I haven't done step ups in a long time, it was more random but kind of fun to try them again. I'll check my old records to see what I used to do, 8 total steps, or 4 per leg does take some time. I should still do cable bench presses, they are very shoulder and elbow friendly still, and I'm still trying to row more. The military press was to test my elbow a bit, and I felt nothing there. I don't want to say it's healed as I still do feel it on occasion, but not really during my workouts.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Upper Body
Upper body day to go with my lower body day yesterday, and I should mention my legs are flippin sore today, quads and all (quads are barely ever sore).
DB Bench Press
DB Single Arm Row
Incline Lateral Raises - 3x10........15s
Alternate Set
Pushdowns - 3x12.....80, 100, 110
Alternating Curls - 3x5.......40s, 47s, 50s
I am still very pleased I can go somewhat heavy on bench press with dumbbells again, 75s felt tough and I barely got that 7th rep but my elbow held up fine. The DB rows were supported by the dumbbell rack, not a bench, not sure why. I realize I don't row enough, as pullups take up a majority of my upper body pulling exercises, as my blog indicates. It lists which exercises are performed the most, and it's pullups, followed by cleans, deads, front squats, bench and then back squats, rows should be closer to the bench press. I can afford to lay off the pullups a bit. Everything else went well, good upper body day.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
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Julie Foucher |
Leg day
LB Back Squats
275x3 (pr)
Leg Press - 270x10, 360x10-10-10
DB Travelling Lunges - 4x8 (per leg).......40s
Box Jumps (only counting reps with quick turnover)
20 inches -10
22 inches - 10
24 inches - 10
26 inches - 10
28 inches - 10
Those low bar back squats went very well, 275 is a 20 pound pr for that many reps, although it had been a while since I've done 3 reps of low or high bar back squats. The requirement is to just break parallel, and I feel I did on each set, the video proves the last one. 275 felt heavy, but I kept good form, it felt crisp and smooth but challenging, 300 pounds will hopefully happen soon. The second pairing was pretty painful, I still don't like the leg press but meh once in a while is okay, made the lunges harder, which were one trip across the gym. The last part was different I had done it once before, a fast turnover means you basically bounce off the ground when you hit it, never resetting at the bottom, gets those calves working but also quads and glutes. My legs were heavy going in and the first set felt about the same as the last. Every set tok a rep of 2 to get into the grove of it, so each set was more than 10 reps, I kind of liked that.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Ful Body
Full Body day today.
Hang Squat Cleans
Alternate Sets
Military Press - 65x10, 75x10, 85x10, 95x10-10
Wide Grip Pullups - 5x10
That is the first time I have ever really gone for a heavy number on hang squat cleans, it pretty much followed how the squat cleans went last time I did sets of 3. I nearly lost the last rep on the final set, it's not obvious in the video but my grip nearly missed and I was forced to pause for a split second at the bottom. That is the first time I have done military presses in a while, I figured my elbow was allowing incline bench press so I bet it will allow this too, and I was right. By the final 2 sets at 95 it was my muscles that were close to fatiguing, not my elbow, the first couple sets were too light but I wanted to start light and go from there. The pullups, as usual hurt.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Full Body
More of a circuit thing today.
3 sets, each for time
30 Travelling Lunge Steps - 40s........49 sec, 56 sec, 1:05
3 Sets, each for time
40 Pushups - 0:54, 1:30, 2:09
3 Sets, each for time
20 Inverted Rows - 1:17, 1:28, 1:12
High rep lunges simply suck, they are so flipping painful especuially when you are trying to move fast, that one really burned, only the first round was unbroken. The pushups got hard fast, as the timer indicates, and I could still feel my chest a little from the day prior. The last round for the inverted rows is only shorter because I got stuck in a convo with someone, I didn't want to be rude but it did extend my break longer than planned, overall good workout.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Full Body
First workout in a bit, took a little time off for reasons that are small, but back at it today with a full body workout.
Trap Bar Deadlifts (reset)
Alternate sets
Incline DB Bench Press - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.......50s, 55s, 60s, 65s, 70s
C2B Neutral Grip Pullups - 10, 7, 7, 7, 7
Simple but tough, resetting is much harder than touch and go, having said that I did stop at 350 with trap bar deadlifts touch and go style, so I am pretty pleased I was able to get up to 340 resetting. It was close by the end and resetting really does hurt more, I was a bit worried my form faltered but I didn't take a video, I may have completely done okay. I am also pleased to have gotten up to the 70s for 10 reps, it was tough, but I should mention my elbow felt nothing, not a thing, awesome.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Full Body
Full Body workout today, as my week may be a bit busy.
Power Snatch (reset each rep)
HB Back Squat
Incline DB Bench Press
Good workout today, hadn't done snatches in a bit but they felt good, a few pressouts at 135 but they felt good. That's a pr on high bar back squats for 5, 235 being my old pr. They felt good, all reps were hamstring to calf. The bench press I felt like testing my elbow more, my desire to lift heavy for bench again is getting stronger. The 65s felt good, elbow felt fine, and was actually a struggle for 10 due to muscle fatigue. I'd have to check what I could normally do for 10 reps of that style, but I'd have to believe it's heavier than 65s. Either way good workout.
Friday, April 6, 2012
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Mikko Salo |
Pulling day today.
Sumo Deadlifts (touch and go)
NeutralGrip Pullups (1 second pause at top) - 8, 7, 6, 6, 6
No Cheat DB Curls - 30s - 10, 7, 7
Those deadlifts got pretty heavy by the end there, 365 was pushing it but completed with I think decent form, I got a video I'll upload at some point. The pullups were done differently, just as it says you pause for one second at the top, this made them a lot harder, overall good workout for easter friday.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Pushing today.
Front Squats
Incline DB Bench Press - 45sx15, 50sx15-13-11-10
Pushdowns - 3x15......80
Happy with the workout today, I threw an extra set into the front squats to see if I could do 225 for 5 reps, it was close but completed, and 215 felt better today than it has in the past (I'd been stuck at 215x5 for a while now). I wanted to try some incline db bench press too, being my elbow has been able to take more lately, I obviously went light but my elbow remained without pain so that made me happy too. 50s aren't even close to heavy for me, but heavy enough that it was a good test for my elbow.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Full Body
Full body day today.
Clean Complex (2 Squat Cleans + 2 Hang Squat Cleans)
Alternate Sets
Cable Bench Press (with 1 second pause at peak position)
Wide Grip Pullups - 12, 10, 9, 8, 7
Lateral Raises - 3x10.......27s
Alternate Sets
Alternating DB Curl - 40x5, 47x5, 50x4
V-Bar Pushdowns - 3x15......40
I liked that complex, 185 was getting close but you can tell I really ride the clean into the squat so I maybe could have gone heavier. I definately started too light on the bench press with the pause, but I do like that version so next time I'll remember to go heavier. The pullups went well, so did everything else.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Full Body
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Rob Orlando |
1 Minute Intervals, rest as needed between each
Trap Bar Deadlifts - 160.....20, 23, 22
Pushups - 38, 27, 28
Russian DB Swings - 70......24, 23, 21
Back Squats - 2x15......135
Alternate Sets
Overhead Rope Extensions - 70x12, 10, 10
Preacher Curls - 60x12, 10, 8
So you did 3 sets of each of the first 3 exercises, 1 minute per set. I know exactly why the first set was the lowest for the trap bar deadlifts, I was still stiff and warming up, the next 2 sets I was able to cycle through them quicker. The second set on the pushups would be a higher number but I lost track of time, still not too bad overall. Russian swings means you only go to eye level, and the kettlebells are getting light for what I want so I went onto the dumbbells, it gets awkward holding it but I felt my hamstrings and glutes working. The back squats was to do something more quad dominant, so I did LBBS and went all the way down, the arm stuff was random. It woke me up and felt pretty good.
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