Thursday, November 10, 2011

Olympic Lifting

I wasn't going to workout till later, and it wasn't going to be much but I had a cancellation so decided to see how much weight I can throw overhead my head for a split jerk, I wasn't sure if I was going to go for a pr or not but like usual I went for it anyways.

Split Jerk
250x1 (pr)

That is freakin awesome for 2 reasons.  One that is a pr, 250 pounds is massive for me, 65 to 70 pounds over my bodyweight.  Two my old pr was 245, but I remember that lift well and I know my form was much better on this one, watching the video compared to other videos I've done I drop much lower into the split stance and I think that accounted for the better form at the heavier weight, with olympic lifting form is crucial.  I made a bigger jump from 235 to 250 than I normally but I psyched myself up and was very confident in the lift.  I am also normally very un-animated after I make a lift when I workout with other people around, that weird little fist pump shows how much I wanted it because normally I don't show any emotion (on the inside I am screaming with excitement).  Very pleased, stretched for the rest.


  1. I'm totally envious of your upper body strength! Great job.

  2. Technically, this a hip/leg drive movement, my upper body (mainly shoulders and core) is mostly responsible for keeping that weight overhead when/if it get there. Plus the legs need to be strong when I drop into the split stance.

    Push presses are definately an upper body exercise, but push jerks and split jerks are more leg and hip movements with some upper body stabilization. I've never had you do split jerks before, but I was thinking about maybe trying them tomorrow if it's an exercise you want to learn. If it helps my max push press is 220, my max split jerk....well you say that today. So when the form is perfect it allows you to get more weight overhead.
