Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Full Body
Decided to try that clean complex again that I did back on October 20th and see if I can hit a higher number, back then I got up too 205.
Clean Complex
1 Power Clean+3 front squats+1 Squat Clean
Power Snatch
145x0x1 (pressout)
Hollow Rocks - 3x15........15, 15, 15, 12
That's an improvement on not only the weight I used but how long I waited before doing the squat clean (you dump the bar after the last front squat, then get set for the squat clean). At 205 I actually walked about 15 feet away and then came right back and did the lift, this time I stayed with the bar and did the squat clean quicker, and with 10 more pounds. My form was iffy but I could feel my olympic lifting had improved, the power clean portion was easythe front squats were slow but the squat clean takes some damn mental toughness to get under that bar, that one really hurt. I then wanted to see if I could match my snatch max when I don't start with them, turns out not really. 145 is my max (which I started with in that workout) and while I got did 145 after a failed attempt, it was a definite pressout which some see as a failed rep, others don't, I'm undecided but it wasn't like the last time I got 145. Hollow rocks are pictured above, and they are harder than I thought, my abs simply gave out on the last set, overall good workout.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Full Body
Today was a fun day, hit a huge pr for me, good day.
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time
Handstand Pushups
Neutral Grip Pullups
Time: 4:36
405.....or 4 plates each side, either way this has been a goal of mine for years. For a while I had actually given up on this goal due to a back injury, but this is proof my back is better. I feel my form was good, my hips may rise faster than my shoulders but my back does stay relatively straight (I have videos of them). I wasn't going to go for it, but after I hit 335 I decided to, hells ya!! The last part was just for fun, give me a break from the barbell stuff, my arms were getting pretty tired. A video of both the deadlifts and the circuit are on my youtube channel.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
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Ben Smith |
Front Squats
Back Squats - 135x20
Whenever I go heavy on front squats it seems to take a long time, today was no exception. I wasn't going for a pr as this is only the second time I've simply done front squats without the plate under my heel, I wanted to see if I could match my old 3RM. I did, 245 is my pr from before for 3 reps, so I am very happy I got that, and I maybe could have done a bit more weight it didn't feel as hard as it did last time so I happy with the front squats. The back squats went well, the set at 135 I am going to remember as I plan on slowly increasing that weight. There is something called widow makers for squats, it's where you perform 20 reps without moving the bar from your back, you keep adding weight until you can no longer hit that mark. Back squats are an exercise that you can rest in the standing position, but the bar cannot move off your back, in my opinion this only works for back squats, with front squats your traps would fatigue too quickly. The set at 135 for 20 wasnt exactly easy but not as hard as it could be. The sets at 185 felt good. Good leg workout!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Full Body
Today was a change my mind in the middle of the workout kind of day. I realize that to go for a true 1RM, I need to use the split jerk, the push jerk is not my strength (like many others). The first many sets I used a push jerk, and was going to stop once I hit my max. After the set of 215 I was feeling good so I decided to go for a pr, so I switched to a split jerk.
Power Clean and Push Jerk
Power Clean and Split Jerk
235x1 (pr)
245x1 (pr)
Alternate Sets
Weighted Situps - 10, 10, 10, 10...........30, 35, 40, 45
Pushups - 4xrelative max reps........30, 25, 20, 15
The video is the last set of the power clean and split jerks. I don't really know what my right leg did there, it kind of darted out which I wasn't happy with, I need to work on straight power cleans more often. The split jerk I felt strong on, and as you can see I kind of chased forwards a bit but I still held that lockout. This isn't a pr on the split jerk, that is 250, but this is a power clean pr, which I am happy with (despite lackluster form). This is ties the most weight I have gotten from ground to shoulder as I have also squat cleaned 245, either way I am happy with that lift despite the iffy power clean form. The situps I liked last time I decided to go up again, having the 45 pound dumbbell on my chest was less than comfortable, and the last few reps were slow moving but completed. The pushups felt good, most sets I maybe could have gotten a few more but I'm looking for steady progress here. Good workout!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Full Body
Great workout today, and time for some videos, the above is my 4th set of the snatches. I wanted to do some pushups as well but I had to get home for supper, maybe I'll do them later tonight.
Clean Complex (1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat)
Power Snatches
Starting with the snatches, I knew I wasn't going to go for max weight today I just wanted to keep snatching at a decently heavy weight. The sets at 135 felt good I was more or less happy with my form. They are such a technical exercise, in the video it looks like my last rep was the best rep, I am also happy with my starting position. The clean complex was fun and tough. I liked complexes a lot and this time I picked one that would allow me to go heavy. 235 was heavy, especially considering my max squat clean 245 I am happy with the weight I got up too.
A video of all the clean complex sets can be found on my youtube channel, as well as the single set of power snatches.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Full Body
Didn't go for max weight today but good workout nonetheless.
Push Jerk
Deadlifts (reset each time)
Weighted Situps (feel not anchored)
I am very surprised I was able to do 185 for 5 unbroken push jerks, yes I know there was some pressouts but I was still happy with it. The deadlifts went even better, this to me is proof my max has gone up. I heard before by a professional that resetting each time is the best way to do deadlifts, I'm not saying I'll never do touch and go again but resetting is a preferred method. The sets at 135 and 185 were touch and go but more warmups, the rest were all resetting. 315 for 5 reps, all from the stop position on the ground is pretty good for me, makes lots of noise but I was happy with that. Weighted situps was again to throw some ab work into my workouts. I placed one dumbbell, the flat end on my chest, never moving the dumbbell forwards or down, and because I had to hold the dumbbell in place I never used my arms as momemtum to start the pull. Overall good workout!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Full Body
Missed yesterday due to a weird stomach bug, oh well, good workout in store today.
Power Snatch
Front Squats
Bear Complex (1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Back Squat + 1 Rack Jerk = 1 rep)
Great workout, pr on the power snatch and I also believe my form was much better this time, I attribute that to better form I really focussed on squatting down nice and low before starting the pull, using my legs more. The first 2 sets were touch and go, the rest were resetting each time, with the last 2 sets being done more at 3 sets of singles. I have kind of reset my front squats, I have decided to removed the plate from under my heels, I got too used to that and I was pleased that I didn't really miss it today. For 5 reps I think my pr is right around 205 so I didn't really drop any weight, I liked doing it without the plates as I was still able to get full range of motion. The bear complex I decided to do sets of 3, rotating through the circuit 3 times making it more of a breather than when I did it last time (only doing it once, so heavy). I was happy I could finish with 135 but it was close, my breathing, arms, and legs were all getting tired, the set at 95 was too light but I wasn't sure how it'd feel for 3 reps. Overall it was a great workout.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Full Body
Some touch and go power cleans and push jerks, snatch grip deadlifts, and some core work, good workout.
Power Cleans and Push Jerks
Snatch Grip Deadlifts
Russian Chair Leg Raises, straight legs - 4x15
The above video is the last set at 195, the difference between push jerks and split jerks are obvious, as split jerks are my strength I only really do them for 1 rep maxes. They were definately getting tough by the end, the pressouts indicate that. The snatch grip deadlifts were again without straps and resetting each time, 10 pounds heavier than last time. The russian chair situps were getting hard by the end, I got to keep doing ab work for a few reasons.
I also decided to make a youtube channel, how often I update it I don't know but hopefully on a semi regular basis. The above video is there as well at the lift at 185, the snatch grip deadlift at 275 and all my other videos.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Full Body
Today was an awesome workout, felt good to not really have time contraints. It was also a fun workout. The article I read on olympic lifting said to not go for a max weight each time, which I have been doing, back off on the weights and do a bit more repetitions (but not too high). Today I did that with squat cleans, I also took there advice on exercise selection, they had I think 8 exercises so I picked three of them today, taking out the bench press in favour of pushups.
Squat Cleans (touch and go)
Back Squats
Pushups - 4xrelative max reps.........25, 25, 20, 15
I really enjoyed doing squat cleans that way, all reps were touch so I never dropped the weight between reps. Oddly I thought it helped to improve my form a bit, I want to be better at dropping under the bar while it's still low, which in turn would mean a higher clean in the end. I heard that if you do a movement over and over, whether heavy or light, your body adapts to that movement and it becomes like second nature, sets of 3 isn't light but with the touch and go style it puts me far away from my max. Having said that I didn't think I could do 195 like that. I was very happy with the back squats too, 195 is the most I've done for 10 reps with hamstring to calf form. The pushups say relative because I never went to failure, just close, the first set was farthest from it actually as I can do more than 25. Overall great workout.!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Olympic Lifting
I wasn't going to workout till later, and it wasn't going to be much but I had a cancellation so decided to see how much weight I can throw overhead my head for a split jerk, I wasn't sure if I was going to go for a pr or not but like usual I went for it anyways.
Split Jerk
250x1 (pr)
That is freakin awesome for 2 reasons. One that is a pr, 250 pounds is massive for me, 65 to 70 pounds over my bodyweight. Two my old pr was 245, but I remember that lift well and I know my form was much better on this one, watching the video compared to other videos I've done I drop much lower into the split stance and I think that accounted for the better form at the heavier weight, with olympic lifting form is crucial. I made a bigger jump from 235 to 250 than I normally but I psyched myself up and was very confident in the lift. I am also normally very un-animated after I make a lift when I workout with other people around, that weird little fist pump shows how much I wanted it because normally I don't show any emotion (on the inside I am screaming with excitement). Very pleased, stretched for the rest.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Upper Body
Decided to let my back rest a bit, at least for a little bit, with all the work it's been getting it deserves it. Having said that I felt completely fine today to have done deadlifts or cleans, but decided to do the upper body day a little differently and with good results.
Super set
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 4x10..........50
Neutral Grip Pullups - 4xmax reps........7, 7, 7, 7
Handstand Pushups - 3xrelative max reps........10, 8 , 8
Incline DB Flies - 4x10.......40s, 45s, 45s, 45s(8)
15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Leg Elevated Ab Move - per side
The first part burned like crazy, like last time and elbow really didn't seem to feel too much. The second part had been handstand holds lately, but I felt nothing from the first part so why not go for handstand pushups. It says relative this time as I didn't want to go right to failure, and while I thought I maybe felt my elbow a little, it may have just been psychological because I don't recall feeling anything after I was done....awesome. The flies were fine too. I need to do more ab work, and that combo always kills my abs.
I also have been stretching much more lately, showing up early for my clients and spending maybe 10 minutes stretching, makes a difference already.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Random post, I was looking more into weightlifting programs today (the original term for olympic lifting) and I noticed that there are some holes in my program, being I have more or less adopted that style of training. One, I am actually working out too frequently, a lot of programs I found have the athletes training 3 times a week, of course some of my workouts are short but I shoot for 5 workouts a week so it may be getting in the way of my recovery. Secondly I need to do ab work, with all the posterior chain work this involves it needs to be balanced out with some ab work, so I make a better effort to throw more of that in there too.
The exercises recommended the most; cleans, push jerks, snatches, back and front squats, deadlifts, core work, and I was surprised to see the bench press in a lot of programs. I shall use this to my advantage, it basically combines weightlifting (fast lifts) with powerlifting (slow lifts) and those athletes are some of the most impressive in the world of strength sports (minus strongman, but I don't have access to that). Here is a cool article explaining why each are good.
The exercises recommended the most; cleans, push jerks, snatches, back and front squats, deadlifts, core work, and I was surprised to see the bench press in a lot of programs. I shall use this to my advantage, it basically combines weightlifting (fast lifts) with powerlifting (slow lifts) and those athletes are some of the most impressive in the world of strength sports (minus strongman, but I don't have access to that). Here is a cool article explaining why each are good.
Olympic Lifting
Today was a crappy workout day and I think I know why. My back was incredibly stiff but I decided to try and work up to a heavy power clean anyways, in that hopes that it would loosen up. Had I had something higher repetitions it may have worked but this did not, and with my back so stiff it prevented me from generating any kind of real power which is why the weight I got up too was so low.
Power Cleans
I then tried some back squats with a measily 135 pounds and the weight wasn't too bad, but the stiffness in my back made me feel if I continued I would have hurt myself. I normally wake up very stiff, I figure like most people, but on all days other than Sunday I get up and go to work, so moving around loosens me up and my workout doesn't come for hours after I wake up, today I worked out not too long after waking up...so my body never fully waked up. The second reason is I have neglected stretching a bit, which I did after I realized today was better spent doing that. In the past I always did my stretching on Sundays, but started doing weights this day as Monday was insanely busy, but stretching is a must for me. Of all the amazing workouts and pr's I've hit recently, failing to clean 225 today isn't the end of the world, and I'll make up for it in no time.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Amazing day, above is the final lift of my trap bar deadlifts, another huge feet of finally deadlifting 400 pounds
Trap Bar Deadlifts
400x1 (oh ya!)
Complex (1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats)
400 pound deadlift, even with the trap bar is a huge lift for me, one I didn't think possible for a while yet. I used straps and the sets that weren't single were touch and go, but the singles are are simple as they get, just lift the damn weight. I am not only happy about joining the 400 club, but happy with my form, my back stays nice and straight. I felt strong on the lift, I hadn't intended on going for 400 until I completed the set of 330 for a triple, I then went right to 350 and had in my head 400 pounds. Tim was doing his own workout and asked if I wanted a video of it, I hadn't intended on that either but this is a big pr for me. The second part felt harder than I thought but I am happy with the weight I got up too, 215 on the last front squat was close to not making it, technically it's 3 total front squats. Overall great workout.
I had to keep adding the weight on the bar, overall it's 3 45's per side and a 25 per side, plus the 80 pound bar equals an even 400 pounds. I usually say my strength lies in the fast lifts (olympic lifts) and the slow lifts (deadlifts, squats) is where I struggle, while I still do I feel it's improving nicely.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Upper Body
The usual.
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 4x10..........50
Neutral Grip Pullups - 4xmax reps.......6, 6, 6, 6
Pre Fatigue Sets
Cable Fly into Cable Bench Press
40x10 and 10
50x10 and 10
60x10 and 10
70x9 and 7
Handstand Hold - accumulate 2 minutes - 40 seconds, 40 seconds, 40 seconds
The pullups felt better this time than last, still a little elbow discomfort but not that much really, this combo burned much more than the last. I did better on the handstand holds this time. Not only the better times, but before I used to kip up from my knees, now I simply walk to the wall and flip right into a handstand pushup, much quicker and simply cooler looking haha.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
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Kendrick Farris |
Clean and Jerk (or Squat Clean and Split Jerk)
245x1 pr (hells ya!!!)
Snatch Grip Deadlift (reset each time)
I am very proud of that lift. To date my max squat clean is 235 (so a pr there), my max power clean is 230, and my max split jerk is 245 (started in front rack position). So I was pushing my limits on a few things here, although I have gotten 245 overhead before it's much harder after coming out of a clean, especially a squat clean (at least for me). I completed 235 which was a pr on this lift, technically my old pr for this exact lift is 200 but that was a while ago and without bumper plates. I stared at that barbell wondering if I should stop there, or try 240, I remember the advice that as soon as you hit a pr to stop and leave with that feeling, I don't usually but I ignored it this time and went for 245, heavier than I was even going to go for because I knew my maxes from the past. I wasn't quiet, coming out of the squat was slow, but the jerk I was nervous for, I may have done a pressout but who cares I held that weight overhead proudly. I should have taken a video but the gym was too busy I didn't want to look arrogant. Very very happy with that lift. Throwing snatches into my training means snatch grip deadlifts are a good idea, they are the weakest of my deadlifts (and most) so I am actually happy I got up to 265 for 3 reps while resetting each time, great workout!!
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