Sunday, March 17, 2013


Tried 13.2, just over a week after slipping a disk in my back, and man was it ever a wake up call.  My score was horrible, 140 reps total, it was pure breathing for me, I went way to fast out of the gate my body just shut down.  I need to get used to doing conditioning again, a year ago my score would be way higher I'd imagine.  But I am posting this anyways because I have to increase this weakness of mine, moving the weights I can move is fun but less so when people who are weaker then me can beat my score in workouts like this.

AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Shoulder to Overhead - 115
10 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps - 24 inches
Score - 140 reps

Walking Prowler (1 set equals 2 trips across gym)
90x1 set
135x1 set

The box jumps is what killed me, I went too fast as you can see in the video and once my quads stopped working I never recovered.  The prowler in my opinion is harder when you have to walk, a long break was taken after the WOD as I helped Eric too, but they hurt pretty good.  Time to get in shape again, and I know I can do it without losing strength either.

1 comment:

  1. Just keep working and you will get it! Last year I wanted to loose 20lbs and I thought it was going to be impossible, but after working hard and riding my bike every day I got what I wanted!
