Monday, August 20, 2012

Upper Pushing

Upper body pushing, something I haven't done in a while.

DB Bench Press
100sx2 (assisted on a third rep)

Cable Flies - 50x10, 60x10, 70x8
Pushups - 14, 10, 8

R-Band Bench Press (blue band) - 110x9, 8, 8

R-Band Pushdowns (grey band) - 18, 12, 10

I wanted to test my pushing strength a bit, interesting choice considering it's still only my third workout back, either way I was curious.  Last time I did the 95s I got 5 reps, today I only got 4, whatever I wanted to try the hundreds anyways.  That was the only set where I got a handoff, which doesn't count as a rep, I got 2 reps completely on my own after that, and wanted to try a third knowing I wasn't going to get it so he helped a bit.  They were heavy but it is the first time I've used them for flat, as I have done decline (stronger angle) with the 100s before.  The super set burned like crazy, like usual.  The resistance bench press was a new one, I liked it but was surprised how little weight I could handle, it makes the top half of the lift harder as the band stretches more, good for lockout strength, which isn't exactly my weakness on the bench but still fun to try something new.  I haven't done an all upper pushing day in a while.


  1. Thanks, that trail had a missing person sign beside a bear warning sign at the front of it, made us keep our eyes open.
