Thursday, August 30, 2012


Leg day, a love/hate for this day, didn't have as much time so wanted the first one to be a good bang for your buck exercise.

Squat Cleans (touch and go)

Jump Squats - 3x5.....95
HB Tension Back Squats - 3x10......95

Good Mornings - 3x10......95

My legs didn't have the same juice, yesterday I went for an accidental trail run and they weren't feeling the same.  I say accidental because when a friend and I went hiking we didn't plan on getting lost, but we did and because I had to head into Brinks soon I had to run around trying to find my way out, I made it on time but we were in there for about an hour.  Having said that the squat cleans matched my pr, but they did kind of feel harder in the earlier sets, maybe my imagination.  The jump squats were done how I read they should be done, stay just above parallel, reset each time and focus on max explosion, that's how I did it and it hurt, it's not about weight on that exercise but exploding power.  The back squats were done without setting the bar down, so it was one long set, and while 95 is super light, I kept the tension on my quads so I never fully stood up, it burned like crazy.  I haven't done good mornings in ages, I liked it though my legs were spent after this, which is good for a shorter one.

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