Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Upper Body
Early morning upper body day
Incline Cable Flies - 30x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Incline Cable Bench Press - 30x10, 40x10, 40x6, 40x6
Push Jerk - 3x10.........105
C2B Pullups - 5xrelative max reps........8, 6, 5, 5, 5
Alternate Sets
Pushdowns - 50x20, 60x20, 70x20
Alternating Curls - 35sx5, 40sx5, 45sx5
I dislike early morning workouts, but I guess 7am isn't too bad. I did the leg one yesterday as I knew I was working out early today, and early morning legs sucks the most. The first one paired like crazy, probably the worse chest burn I've gotten in a while, meaning I'll be doing that one again. The push jerks were again easy, 10 pounds heavier, will go to 115 next time. The pullups felt tough, chest to bar makes a big difference, overall good routine and my elbow felt fine.
(workout done day prior)
Good old fashioned squat and deadlift day, wanting to try a new version of front squats
Front Squats - 1 1/2 reps
Sumo Deadlifts
That's it, a really like the simplicity of these workouts. 1 1/2 reps for the front are easy to explain, I shouuld have taken a video of my last set, but here is a gentleman doing the same thing but with back squats.
They were very hard I was surprised how heavy 185 felt, makes the quads hurt more than I thought they would. The came deadlifts with a sumo stance, in my head I wanted 405 for 2, thinking that may be pushing it, but I kept wanted to try. I made bigger jumps than usual, the last one being 30 pounds, but I got it, 405 for 2 reps. A video of the last lift is on my youtube channel, more or less happy with form.
Why is it that in the video the lift looks so much easier than how it felt, ah well.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Easy day
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Chris Spealler |
(This workout was completed the day prior)
Easy day today, wasn't going to workout but my dad talked me into going.
Push Jerk - 3x10.....95
Cable Pushdowns - 3x20......50
Incline Curls - 3x10......25s
R-Band Pushdowns - band
R-Band Curls - 3x10......Grey Band
20 minutes of mobility work
First time doing any overhead work since the elbow injury, going to start light and slowly go back at probably just this exercise for now, 95 pounds for 3 sets of 10 was real easy, not really challenging at all and my elbow was completely fine. The rest was just to move my arms around, test my elbow a bit more, worked pretty well and my biceps are even sore today. I have to remember to do mobility work like stretching and foam rolling, felt good when I was done.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Full Body
Complex (1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat)
Alternate Sets
Incline Cable Bench Press - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10........40, 50, 60, 70, 80(7)
Pullups - 5x11.......all sets completed
Farmers Walk - 3 sets with 65s, 3 trips across gym on all sets
The complex was a new one, I really liked it too, basically perform a squat clean and front squat twice, not allowed to let go of the bar. The last 2 sets were heavy and there may have been room to go heavier, but still happy with the weight I got up too. I had forgotten about cable bench presses from an incline, nice change from doing the standing ones I have been doing. I don't remember the last time I went for a set number on regular pullups, but 11 seemed like a good number, it got close by the end but last time I went for 5 sets of total reps I got a total of 46, 55 total today so a nice higher number there. First time doing farmers walks, before just holding onto a heavy barbell or set of dumbbells, and boy do farmers walks hurt more. My grip was absolutely on fire and the last 2 sets I came horribly close to not making the third trip back, good workout!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Posterior Chain ish
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Miranda Oldroyd |
Power Cleans (touch and go)
Single Leg Deadlift
Alternate Set
Leg Extension - 10, 10, 10.......170, 185, 200
Hamstring Curl - 10, 10, 10.......70, 80, 90(7)
I am pleased I got up to 185 with the power cleans, last time I was doing sets of 3 and got up to 195, so that number would probably be higher. I felt I was generating very good power from my hips and while 185 was heavy, I maybe could have gone a bit heavier....I think. Single leg deadlifts are pretty much how they sound, lift the bar like you would on conventional, but with one leg, I allowed the other leg to touch but only at the bottom, no other time, also.....this one really hits those hamstrings. I changed my form on the leg extensions, placing the machine so my legs were forced through a much greater range of motion, which is why I could only handle 200 pounds, and that style really burned. Great lower body and posterior chain workout.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Upper Body
Some upper body stuff today
Cable Bench Press
Weighted Neutral Grip Pullups - 5xmax reps at 30 lbs........7, 7, 6, 6, 6
DB Pullovers - 50x8, 55x8, 60x8, 65x8
Preacher Curls - 60x10, 70x8
The cable bench press was the same as always, I forget what I got up too last time, but they hurt, The weighted pullups felt good, I maybe could have gotten one more rep a set but didn't want to push it too much. The pullovers are an exercise I haven't done in a while, partially because I hate them. Also because I have no clue where I feel them, so many say it's a great exercise for your chest, others say for your lats, if I had to pick one I'd say my lats and triceps. I did feel them in my elbow a bit, but I was still able to go heavy, I bet my triceps will be sore tomorrow. The curls I forgot to do a third set.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Good old fashioned leg day, without squats, back finally starting to feel loser but still very tight and sore.
Lunges - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5...........115, 135, 145, 155, 165
Leg Press - 12, 12, 12, 12.......180, 270, 320, 360
Goblet Squats - 10, 10, 10, 10........45, 55, 65, 75
Long time doing any of these movements. The lunges were tough but even without checking my notes I am pretty sure 165 is heavier for regular lunges for 5 reps a leg. I dislike the leg press on most days, but it can't hurt, I felt the burn it wasn't too bad. I do like goblet squats though, the picture challenge would mean I'd be doing this with a 90 lb dumbbell, I bet I could maybe I'll try next time, solid leg workout.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Upper Body
I was worried about being sore after those deadlifts on Thursday, boy was I was ever right. Potentially the most sore I have ever been, makes touching my knees difficult. It's no injury, but could easily turn into one if I trained the area, so no legs or deadlifts till this heals.
Incline DB Flies - 35x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x7
Incline Neutral Grip Bench Press - 35x10, 40x8, 45x4, 50x3
Wide Grip Cable Row - 100x10, 120x10, 130x8, 130x7
Neutral Grip Pullups - 6, 5, 4, 4
Alternate Sets
Pushdowns - 40x20, 50x20, 60x20
Preacher Curls - 40x10, 50x10, 60x10
Fat Barbell Holds - 3 sets at 205
Felt good to be back at the gym. That's the first time I've done any kind of bench press with dumbbells in a long time, using a pre-fatigue method so I can't go as heavy. The elbow felt fine, the chest did not. The back pairing burned like usual, the arm sets went well too I used the cables for the pushdowns this time which again is more about working my elbow than my triceps. The barbell holds I used the thick bar making it harder, my finger seemed to get in the way less this time.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Posterior Chain
Most things on my body are sore, especially my legs, but I can still try some hamstrings and posterior chain stuff.
Deadlifts (tough and go)
Natural Glute Ham Raises - 8, 8, 6
Hamstring Curl - 60x6, 50x10, 50x8
High rep deadlifts suck, they hurt for a while and need there recovery, and 8 reps at 315 is good i am happy with that, but it hurts a lot too. The second part burned like crazy, like insanely burned the hamstrings. Prior to the last set I didn't know if they had the strength for one, luckily I got 6, 4 workouts in a row, maybe take tomorrow off, overall good workout.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Upper Body
Some upper body stuff today, nothing too much.
Pullups - 5x relative max........13, 9, 8, 8, 8
Inverted Rows - 4x relative max reps........10, 8, 8, 7
Alternate Sets
Med Ball Situps - 3x15.......20 lbs
DB Holds - 85s, 90s, 95s
That's it, very quick and no pushing, don't want to get carried away with the elbow. Pullups felt a bit harder than usual, but 46 total isn't too bad. The inverted rows were done the slightly harder way, strict chest to bar form, and feet on a swiss ball as all the benches were taken. I like the forearm work, I held each set for as long as possible but don't know the time.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Legs today, and a newish exercise.
Partial Front Squats (10 holes)
For time
30 Back Squats - 185
Time: 6:50
Not be confused with rack front squats, where you start at the bottom and stand up, partials you start from the top, as with any kind of squat, and squat down till the bar touches the safeties. I actually decided to do it because my one client did it last week, and figured I'd give it a try. He went to 10 holes, and he's almost a foot shorter than me, but I decided to do 10 holes as well making it harder. I enjoyed it, 265 is my 1rm, and while I tried three the bar didn't even budge an inch for the 3 rep. The back squat thing I maybe overpaced and could have gotten a quicker time, but I'll know better for next time, good quick and simple leg routine. For reference sake, the back squats were high bar and hamstring to calf.
On a side note, this video is just pure awesomeness.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Upper Body
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Aja Barto |
Pulldowns - 120x10, 130x10, 140x10, 140x8
Neutral Gril Pullups - 7, 5, 3, 4
Cable Bench Press - 60x10, 70x10, 80x10, 80x8
Pushups - 20, 10, 7, 7
Barbell Holds - 3 sets at 225, didn't time self
Band Pull aparts - 3x10.......purple band
Those first 2 supersets burned like crazy, and boy do they ever make that second exercise harder. The barbell holds is simple, load the bar up and hold as long as possible, obviously a grip and finger strength movement, felt my finger a lot on that one. The pull aparts felt good they help with posture which sometimes I get lazy at.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Full Body
Not sure what to do going into the workout today, made it up as I walked into the gym, deadlifts were first one the list, not for a new 1 rep max, but still a heavy single.
DB Incline Flies - 37sx10, 42sx10, 45sx10, 45sx8
Pushups - 15, 10, 5, 5
Weighted situps
max reps in 1 minute
30 lbs - 20 reps
35 lbs - 18 reps
40 lbs - 16 reps
The deads went well, 405 isn't my max, but it is 95% of it, oddly my busted finger was getting in the way again, resorting to me using straps. Seems to be getting worse, but meh it's not causing me to stop, just painful. The superset is something I've done a lot, it burns like crazy and my chest was already sore, doing 5 pushups before failing feels weak, although they were a more controlled pushups. The last part with the situps I liked, my abs hurt quite a bit, overall great workout.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Full Body
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I forgot the name of this exercise suddenly |
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Lunge (1 per leg)
5 Rounds
10 Pullups
20 Pushups
R-Band Tricep Pushdowns - blue band.......20, 16, 15
Overall good workout. The complex, which I rotated through each time was more or less made up, I've only seldomly done front lunges, which is pretty self explanatory. 145 got heavy by the end. The second part was untimed, it was more to challenge my elbow a bit, while I felt it, it was very slightly and didn't last which is a very good sign, 100 total pushups a month ago would not happen, today it went fine. Some of the rounds were broken, but not all. The pushdowns are again to test my elbow, and harder because of the pushups but overall very happy my elbow allowed me to do this pain free.....allows me to feel the pain where I am suppose to feel it.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Leg day today, and wanted to try a new but very popular form of back squats.
Speed Front Squats
Low Bar Back Squats
Speed squats I feel can be useful, last time I did them was with back squats for 5 reps, today opting for 3 reps and using the front squats. Again I was happy with how the weights went, 195 for 3 fast reps was tough, I can feel it for sure. Then I tried LBBS for the first time ever, it is said that this style of squat can let you lift the most weight, and I guess 255 for 3 is the most. It was a bit uncomfortable, that would get better if I do it enough. In doing it the bar is really low with my elbows pointed behind me and my hips just dropping below parallel. Opposed to HBBS (or olympic back squats) where the elbows point down, the bar is high on my back and my hamstrings tough my calves. I'm going to get some pointers on it to make sure I am doing it right, but in the long run I didn;t mind it.
Video of the last set of LBBS can be found on my youtube channel.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Upper Body
First full upper body day in a while., wanted to test elbow a bit more.
Alternate Sets
Cable Bench Press - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8..........70, 80, 90, 100, 110(5)
Weighted Chinups - 8, 8, 8, 8,, 20, 25, 30, 35(5)
Incline Flies - 10, 10, 10........40s, 45s, 50s
Bent Over Row - 3x8........130
R-Band Tricep Pushdowns - 3x20.....all with blue band
I was happy with how it went, at times I thought I was feeling my elbow but I think it was more in my head. The first pairing went well that's the first time I have done weighted chinups in a while, and probably bothered my broken finger the most, more than pullups, but it's just my pinky. They went better than I expected. First time doing bent over rows in a while too, probably my least favourite rowing exercise, but it works a lot of muscle groups, went well there too. The pushdowns was to test my elbow, normally I couldn't do that but this time I simply felt my triceps, they burned a lot on those last 2 sets, high reps so nothing heavy directly for the elbow yet, but so far so good.
PS my inner thigh and lower glutes are insanely sore, stupid 5 sets of 10 squats.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Full Body
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I can't even remember her name right now |
Some snatches and what not today, fun day.
Split Snatch
Back Squats
Bar Muscle Up practise
Overall the snatches felt pretty good, a video will be uploaded shortly to my youtube channel at both sets at 155, I honestly do not know if they would count in a legal competition, I know the split stance is fine, but I thought I felt a pressout, in the video it's harder to tell. The last set of back squats was really close for 10, all reps were hamstring to calf, last time I only got 195 for 10. The bar muscle ups started ugly, they aren't easy, but once I switched to a full grip they got better. Whenever I do pullups I use a false grip, meaning my thumb isn't wrapped around the bar, so I instinctively did that at the beginning, once I wrapped my thumb around the bar the transition from pullup to bar dip became easier, while still hard. In the end I managed 6 or so reps, only trying between the sets of back squats, it's a good tool to be able to master for my arsenal.
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